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Sauna nieuws (274)

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The Solar Egg, an eight-person sauna in the shape of egg and made of golden mirrors, just opened in Kiruna, Sweden.

Datum: | Bron: Condé Nast Traveler

For whatever reason, basically all the guys on the fight card were using one sauna, rather than being spread out, and I saw a guy with ice in his towel. He had it on his face and he was breathing in. It was so hot in the sauna that I asked him if that ...

Datum: | Bron: champions.co

Met de sauna willen ze toeristen trekken. De steden zullen niet kriskras door elkaar staan. De Nederlandse steden zijn samen verenigd in één gedeelte dat zal bestaan uit een aantal zeecontainers. Hier komt ook een terras en een podium voor muziek.

Datum: | Bron: De Brug

Het unieke van Sauna en Stoom is dat de sauna compleet op maat wordt gemaakt. 'We gaan samen met de klant een sauna ontwerpen. Ik hoor hun ideeën aan, meet de ruimte op en ga aan de slag met het ontwerp. Op deze manier maken we een sauna die ...

Datum: | Bron: Assercourant.nl

From the architect. The Lonna Sauna is a new a public sauna located on the small island of Lonna in the archipelago just in front of the city center of Helsinki. It is part of the historical continuum of the tradition of public saunas in Finland. On ...

Datum: | Bron: ArchDaily

Police believe the blaze started in the sauna of their end-terraced home. The rest of the homes, in a row of five houses, were evacuated as firefighters battled for hours to extinguish the flames. At around 4am it was reported that the fire was under ...

Datum: | Bron: The Local Sweden

“I was the first one born in this house,” she said, while back for a visit last Saturday during the annual Sauna Days celebration. Touring the homestead with her daughter Dianne Barkley, granddaughter Lisa Robinson, and great-grandchildren Braden and ...

Datum: | Bron: Tower Timberjay News

Designboom titles this post about a beautiful little project eldmølla sauna by NTNU students has a footprint of just five square meters which is a bit odd, given that is is a sauna, and 53 square feet isn't a particularly unusual or small size for a ...

Datum: | Bron: Treehugger

DEN HAAG/ROSMALEN – De gemeente Den Bosch mocht een Rosmalense familie drie dwangsommen van in totaal maximaal 270.000 euro opleggen omdat ze zonder vergunningen een zwembad, een sauna en tal van andere bouwsels in de achtertuin ...

Datum: | Bron: BD.nl

an international group of students has designed and built a small sauna in vang, a remote region of central norway. the timber structure, which has a footprint of just five square meters, has been constructed on a complex site perched above a mountain ...

Datum: | Bron: Designboom

Betting exchange company Smarkets employs chefs to cook food for employees, while money transfer firm TransferWise has an office sauna. Jobs site Glassdoor said many employers are now going beyond travel loans or bike to work schemes. Some offer ...

Datum: | Bron: Belfast Telegraph

architecture studio OOPEAA has completed a public sauna on a small island just a short boat ride from helsinki. located next to the larger suomenlinna island, a world heritage site, lonna island used to be occupied by the military, and has only ...

Datum: | Bron: Designboom

Finnish architecture office OOPEAA has completed a log cabin-style sauna on an island in Helsinki's archipelago that is topped with a zinc roof incorporating ...

Datum: | Bron: Dezeen

UrWork's flagship project in Beijing's Central Business District is a 8,000-square-metre space. Handout photo. Just five years ago, freelancers and entrepreneurs in search of co-working spaces in China were relegated to searching for cafes with readily ...

Datum: | Bron: South China Morning Post

Duluth, Minn. – During all of 2017 Finland is celebrating the country's centennial birthday after gaining independence from Russia in 1917. As part of Finland's 100th birthday, the traveling sauna will continue to travel the United States visiting ...

Datum: | Bron: FOX 21 Online

THE luxury apartments at Fedden Village in Portishead, Somerset, are housed in a building constructed over 100 years ago that educated penniless children for ...

Datum: | Bron: The Sun

On Saturday, June 17, Old World Wisconsin will bring the Traveling Sauna to the Scandinavian Midsommar Celebration event. As part of its coast-to-coast tour, in honor of Finland's centennial independence celebration, the sauna will make a stop on the ...

Datum: | Bron: Lake Country Now

Dit artikel werd gemaakt door een van onze bezoekers. Wil je reageren of zelf een artikel schrijven in onze Zoo, be our guest! Lees hier het hoe/wat/waar of ...

Datum: | Bron: newsmonkey

For my infrared sauna experience, I visited HigherDOSE—that Manhattan basement I was talking about earlier. The spa currently has two locations in the city, and I visited the flagship, located in the basement of the Bowery's Alchemist's Kitchen. The ...

Datum: | Bron: The Atlantic

From the screened-in deck that seems to be floating over Duck Creek to its indoor pool, whirlpool tub and sauna, the environment will give you a resort/spa feeling at home. There are lots of windows, and a master suite with a slider to the screened ...

Datum: | Bron: Quad City Times

Dit kan zowel in een Finse sauna, maar kan nóg beter in een infrarood sauna. In deze laatste zal je lichaam veel diepgaander opgewarmd worden. De infrarood sauna zorgt voor een opwarming van binnenuit zodat ook de gifstoffen uit dieperliggende ...

Datum: | Bron: newsmonkey

Le sauna, ce n'est pas toujours bon pour la peau. Jeudi, 1 Juin, 2017. L'Humanité. Chaleur, de Joseph Incardona. Éditions Finitude, 147 pages, 15,50 euros. Deux duellistes s'affrontent à qui perd gagne dans une cage en bois surchauffée. Misère moderne.

Datum: | Bron: L'Humanité

Wendi and Eric Robirds started Ember after seeing the benefits of a sauna firsthand in their home. “I was surprised at how much better I felt when I used it,” Eric said. Radiant heat from the infrared sauna has numerous health benefits, such as ...

Datum: | Bron: Powell Tribune

“National Sauna Day this year is a little bit more important than normal because it is Finland's 100th anniversary... of their freedom from Russia,” said Gary Rantala, a member of the Sisu Heritage, Inc. board. Rantala and Marti Kinnunen, a volunteer ...

Datum: | Bron: WDIO-TV

Daarmee zijn niet alleen de wanden en vloeren van de ruimte, sauna en douche bekleed, maar ook die van het zwembad. Zelfs de zwembadtrap kreeg een dun laagje van keramische tegels. Dankzij de extra grote formaten loopt de afwerking van de muur ...

Datum: | Bron: Bouw & Wonen
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