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Sauna nieuws (277)

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Lochristi - Sauna en wellnesscenter L'Eau de Lo op de Antwerpse Steenweg sluit na tien jaar activiteit definitief de deuren. "Met spijt in het hart", zegt uitbater Christophe De Saedeleer. "Gezondheids- en familiale redenen en de economische situatie ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Nieuwsblad

OTTUMWA – The Ottumwa Fire Department is seeking donations to purchase a detox sauna, a method fire departments are using to prevent cancers caused by carcinogens that are unavoidable on the job. Derek Fye, first class firefighter with Ottumwa Fire ...

Datum: | Bron: Ottumwacourier

The last time that John Oliver was on The Tonight Show, he played a game called “True Confessions” with Jennifer Lawrence and host Jimmy Fallon. During the ...

Datum: | Bron: TIME

Infrared Sauna harnesses the power of light to promote health. It helps the body sweat out toxins; improves cardiovascular health; promotes pain relief, better sleep, weight loss and relaxation. But Laird is most excited about the Infrared Sauna at his ...

Datum: | Bron: The Lane Report

Nous avons un sauna dans notre Parlement en Finlande, souligne l'eurodéputée. On se sent plus détendus. Dans un sauna, on est soi-même, sans masque politique. On est plus ouvert d'esprit. Il faudrait un immense sauna ici pour que la grande famille ...

Datum: | Bron: RFI

The revamped Aqua Sana complex, which has a new 'Forest Spa' concept, was officially opened to invited guests on Monday, April 24. It features a sauna within the woodland canopy, a 'volcanic steam room' with the sounds of bubbling lava, and outdoor hot ...

Datum: | Bron: Nottingham Post

Manchester-United-Coach Jose Mourinho blickt nach dem Ausfall von Ibrahimovic auf ein sehr problematisches Ende der Saison. Die Hoffnungen ruhen nun auf Wayne Rooney und Juan Mata. Quelle: Omnisport Sport. Bedeutet die Knieverletzung das ...

Datum: | Bron: DIE WELT

Il relax del corpo e della mente si accompagna alla visione di un buon film. Succede a QC Terme Dolomiti, la nuova struttura nel cuore della Val di Fassa, che vanta una vera e propria Sauna Cinema, un luogo speciale nel quale gli ospiti potranno godere ...

Datum: | Bron: Vanity Fair.it

The truck-sauna was created by artist Dida Zende in collaboration with Pro Puu in Lahti for the World Design Capital Helsinki in 2012, and it will be parked outside the European parliament on Monday and Tuesday (24-25 April), where MEPs will have a ...

Datum: | Bron: EU Reporter

THIS is great news for those of you out there that are fans of Center Parcs. A new-look luxury spa and tree-top sauna have been revealed after a £3 million transformation. The popular holiday village at Sherwood Forest unveiled its revamped Aqua Sana, ...

Datum: | Bron: Scunthorpe Telegraph

“The handle on the sauna door broke and the women were trapped. They tried to break the window on the door but failed,” Kormosova continued. Emergency services were called and pronounced the women dead at the scene. This article first appeared on ...

Datum: | Bron: Comicbook.com

Genieten van een wellness aan een prijsje? Met unieke korting relaxen in de sauna? Van 21 april tot en met 14 mei verwent online platform Relaxy.be zijn bezoekers met haar allereerste Verwenweken. De Relaxy partners bieden unieke arrangementen met ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Laatste Nieuws

De vorige eigenaar van de sauna ging in augustus 2016 failliet vanwege het tegenvallende bezoekersaantal. De hypotheek kon niet langer worden opgehoest. Ook ontstond er een grote schuld aan de belasting. De gemeente Soest had zelf een vordering ...

Datum: | Bron: AD.nl

The Indianapolis Fire Department (IFD) continues to take aim at Cancer in the Fire Service with the recent purchase of a Chemical Detox Sauna, built to help firefighters eliminate deadly toxins from their body after fighting fires. Firefighters from ...

Datum: | Bron: FireEngineering.com

A new-look luxury spa with a tree-top sauna is to be unveiled at Center Parcs after a £3m transformation. The popular holiday village at Sherwood Forest will unveil its revamped Aqua Sana, which has a new "Forest Spa" concept, to the public on Tuesday, ...

Datum: | Bron: Lincolnshire Echo

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH)—The Indianapolis Fire Department is battling more than just fires—they've picked up a new tool to fight cancer. Fire Station 44 is now home to a Chemical Detox Sauna. The sauna helps firefighters sweat out the toxins they absorb ...

Datum: | Bron: WISH-TV

JICIN, Czech Republic (RNN) - A mother and daughter died in a sauna when the door handle broke off and they couldn't get out, police in the Czech Republic said. The two women, ages 65 and 45, were using the sauna at a friend's house, police said.

Datum: | Bron: Cleveland 19 News

Jauer, owner of InfraRed Saunas of Siouxland in Hinton, Iowa, keeps her Health Mate infrared sauna designed for a corner space in a spare bedroom. She said customers also put the saunas in basements, family rooms, workout rooms and garages. She said ...

Datum: | Bron: Sioux City Journal

A mother and daughter went into a sauna at their friends' residence in the Czech Republic and became trapped inside when the handle of the sauna door came off, according to the Agence France-Presse. A police spokeswoman told AFP that the owner of the ...

Datum: | Bron: FOX13 Memphis

"Sauna has the same effects on the body as physical exercise," said Dr. Anemona Anghel, interventional cardiologist at St. Luke's. High temperatures lead to increased heart rate and dilation of blood vessels, which reduces the effects of cardiovascular ...

Datum: | Bron: WDAZ

TOWN OF UNION, N.Y. - A spa treatment that is all the rage in New York City is coming to Greater Binghamton, inspired by a study conducted at Binghamton University. The Spa at Traditions has introduced our area's first infrared sauna. It uses infrared ...

Datum: | Bron: Binghamton Homepage

Le due donne di 45 e 65 anni hanno trascorso 90 minuti nella sauna di un amico di famiglia. Non sono riuscite a rompere il vetro per mettersi in salvo.

Datum: | Bron: Corriere della Sera

A mother and her daughter have died in a sauna in the Czech Republic after getting locked inside for around an hour and a half, police have said. The two women, aged 65 and 45 years old, were taking a sauna at their friend's home in the town of Jicin, ...

Datum: | Bron: The Independent

Emergency services declared the women dead at the scene. “The handle on the sauna door broke and the women were trapped. They tried to break the window on the door but failed,” said Kormosova. The accident occurred near the town of Jicin northeast of ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

TWO women have died in a tragic sauna accident after the door handle broke, leaving them trapped inside for an hour and a half. The pair – a mother and daughter – were relaxing in their friend's steam room in Jicin, northern Czech Republic, when ...

Datum: | Bron: The Sun
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