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Sauna nieuws (286)

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As the days and nights get colder, chances are that you may be invited to join friends at an Austrian spa, or Therme. For Brits and Americans Austria's spa culture ...

Datum: | Bron: The Local Austria

Im Stück der "Sauna-Gigolo" raubt Sandro Döbbelin (im Hintergrund) in der Titelrolle den Damen (hier Ilse Kotte, Brigitta Döbbelin und Johanna Wawra) den Verstand. Mit der Inszenierung der Komödie von Andreas Wenning hat das Lohmühlentheater viele ...

Datum: | Bron: Thüringische Landeszeitung

The most prized of the sauna facilities available is the Ryugyong Health Complex, which was constructed in 2012 and boasts a wide variety of steam rooms and salt baths, etc. The opening of this establishment was widely trumpeted in the North Korean ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily NK

Een eigen sauna of jacuzzi in jouw huis of tuin, het is voor velen een droom... Tegenwoordig bestaan er echter al veel verschillende soorten sauna's en jacuzzi's voor elk budget. De meest bekende sauna is natuurlijk de traditionele (Finse) sauna. Maar ...

Datum: | Bron: Bouw & Wonen

In 2013, John Pederson built the Firehouse Sauna, a mobile trailer-sized sauna that quickly moved from a personal project to something he shared with friends. It grew into the 612 Sauna Society, which will soon become the first sauna cooperative in the ...

Datum: | Bron: thelinemedia.com

Traditional dry saunas heat the room, which in turn heats the occupants of said room. Moderate to intense sweating ensues as temperatures rise and promoters love to exclaim that this helps “flush toxins out of the body” as well as increase the heart rate.

Datum: | Bron: Duluth News Tribune

'When my body goes into a spasm one thing I find really helps is infrared sauna. I've invested in one. They come in a large box form as well as a low coffin-like form and even some like electric blankets!' she wrote. 'You can also look around your ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Sisu first came into my life when I was at a café with a friend: "It's the grit and determination that we Finns have," said Tiina, who is from Turku, a city in the south of Finland. "Our strength in the face of adversity." I imagined sisu as the force ...

Datum: | Bron: Allure Magazine

In the photo, Kelly covered her chest with her hand, and Madison pulled her towel up to protect her modesty. RELATED ARTICLES. Previous; 1; Next. So THAT'S where he keeps his Emmy! Mad Men star Jon Hamm... Getting down to business! Lucy Hale ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Koikarpers bewonderen vanuit de Koi-Sauna of wegdommelen bij een meditatiesessie in de Meditation-Sauna (dat je lijf dit keer onder een kalmerende Duitse stem ontspant maakt deze ervaring alleen maar unieker). Heerlijke koffie en vanille geuren ...

Datum: | Bron: Reishonger

THE inferno at Rio's - which describes itself as London's leading naturist spa - took hold last Friday, ripping through the building just before 1pm.

Datum: | Bron: The Sun

A LUNCHTIME steam session at a naturist spa ended in chaos when a man accidentally poured body oil onto a sauna's hot stones and set the building on fire. Rio's, which describes itself as “London's leading naturist health spa”, has been forced to close ...

Datum: | Bron: Camden New Journal newspapers website

Verharen: "Het gaat de goede kant op met de sauna. Bij de laatste controle is geen legionella aangetroffen. We kunnen nog niet open, omdat we nog een risicoanalyse en een beheersplan moeten maken om legionella in de toekomst te voorkomen.".

Datum: | Bron: BN DeStem

Among the four emoji proposals Finland sent to the Consortium, two have now been approved: one sauna emoji, and one woollen socks emoji. They will be available with the Consortium's upcoming release of the latest version of the character set, Unicode ...

Datum: | Bron: Business Insider Nordic

The emoji lexicon is one that continues to grow month after month, year after year. Once little more than a collection of smiley faces and a few symbols, there are ...

Datum: | Bron: BetaNews

Minnesota firm Salmela Architect has completed a cabin with a courtyard framed by a whitewashed sauna adjacent to the main house (+ slideshow). The Larson Bergquist residence is located near a defunct iron mining settlement called Taconite Harbour.

Datum: | Bron: Dezeen

Finland proposed several emojis, including woolly socks and a sauna, to represent its cultural heritage. It worked with Unicode to make the sauna more easily identifiable, settling on a seated cartoon figure with steam rising in the background. Other ...

Datum: | Bron: Wall Street Journal

To spell Finland in English, you need six different letters. To say it in emoji, Finland would like to be known as either sauna, socks, heavy-metal headbanger, ...

Datum: | Bron: Wall Street Journal

Taking a sauna in Finland involves following certain rules and traditions. Here's how to fit in like a local.

Datum: | Bron: CNN

En daar komt de eeneiige tweeling Marc en Ruud Siemons om de bocht. Broers van profrenner Jan (TVM), Zundertse zoons van Frans en Corrie, juist: die van Sauna Diana. Al sinds eind jaren zeventig een begrip in de grensstreek en niet vanwege de koffie.

Datum: | Bron: BN DeStem

Een van die teams was Sauna Diana, dat gesponsord werd door een bordeel, ongehoord in het preutse Amerika. Bovendien lag Trump ook in 1989 al onder vuur, door problemen met de belastingdienst en een naderend faillissement. Langs de kant van de ...

Datum: | Bron: Sporza.be

Kasia Radecka of St. Louis relaxes in an infrared sauna. "I grew up in Poland and doctors used to prescribe sitting under infrared lamps," says Radecka, who averages two to three sessions a week. (Laurie Skrivan/St. Louis Post-Dispatch).

Datum: | Bron: Albuquerque Journal

Saya tidak akan pernah melupakan pertama kalinya saya duduk telanjang bersinggungan paha di bangku kayu sauna dengan atasan saya. Itu terjadi pada minggu pertama saya bekerja untuk sebuah perusahaan baru komputer di dekat Heidelberg, Jerman ...

Datum: | Bron: BBC Indonesia

Finnleo, the leading US sauna manufacturer, introduced several new sauna products and technologies at the International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo (IPSE) in New ...

Datum: | Bron: Benzinga

Sauna, Wechselbäder, Sport in der Kälte: Den Körper extremen Reizen auszusetzen soll helfen, weniger anfällig für Infekte zu sein. Volksweisheiten rund ums ...

Datum: | Bron: Berliner Kurier
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