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Sauna nieuws (289)

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Wenn von Diskriminierung die Rede ist, sind die Benachteiligten zumeist Frauen. Doch in Einzelfällen können auch Männer betroffen sein. Ein solcher Einzelfall ...

Datum: | Bron: ORF.at

Der "Damentag" im städtischen Hallenbad von St. Veit sorgt für Aufregung bei den männlichen Saunagästen. Sie dürfen die Hitze nur an sechs Tagen pro Woche genießen, müssen aber für die Saisonkarte den selben Preis bezahlen wie ihre bessere Hälften ...

Datum: | Bron: Kurier

Work out at the gym, de-stress in the sauna and relax by the pool, before enjoying a drink at the bar... all from the comfort of your own home! 'Spring Cottage', in the South Hams coastal village of Down Thomas, is a stunning detached period home ...

Datum: | Bron: Plymouth Herald

The fire broke out in a sauna in the Flintshire hotel's health club.

Datum: | Bron: Daily Post North Wales

Spannende herstart van luxe sauna 's-Gravendeel. Een bewogen opening op Valentijnsdag 2014. Rechtszaken over de geweigerde horecavergunning. Gesloten en failliet in het voorjaar van 2015. Een heropening morgen. Nooit is het rustig rondom ...

Datum: | Bron: AD.nl

The filmmakers describe the story as “a fable in the vein of A Christmas Carol, set in a gay sauna, with zombies.” Naturally. “Jacob is a jaded narcissist who stalks the bathhouse halls looking for his next hookup,” reads the description for the ...

Datum: | Bron: NewNowNext

It's basically a sauna on steroids -- infrared light penetrates your skin and heats your body. Anthony Infantino, a chiropractor at Platinum Wellness in Phoenix, said it works for fat-burning, detox, pain management and cardio rehabilitation. Infantino ...

Datum: | Bron: 12news.com

De inboedel van homosauna Thermos in Amsterdam wordt geveild. Dat meldt het Parool. De onder homomannen wereldberoemde sauna aan de Raamgracht ...

Datum: | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)

Das was für viele Bewohner eines Hochhauses der reinste Albtraum ist, ist Mittwoch (14.09.2016) für Dutzende Bewohner eines 18-stöckigen Gebäudes ...

Datum: | Bron: WDR Nachrichten

Thermos in Amsterdam was jarenlang de meest populaire sauna van Nederland maar ondanks dat de gaysauna tot het laatste toe adverteerde met de leus 'Biggest and most popular sauna of the Benelux' zochten steeds meer bezoekers hun heil ergens ...

Datum: | Bron: Gaysite.nl

De sauna moest april vorig jaar de deuren sluiten wegens een daling van het aantal bezoekers. Door het faillissement kwamen 27 personeelsleden op straat te staan. Thermos bestond al vijftig jaar. 'Het is een litteken op m'n ziel', aldus de eigenaar.

Datum: | Bron: NU.nl

It could be the chubby cousin of one of the laser-wielding AT-AT killing machines from Star Wars, but it has a more benign purpose. “People have to climb up the steps and only then do they discover the soft wooden interior of the sauna within.” ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian (blog)

Munich-based design firm Jeschke Architektur&Planung recently completed the Jordanbad Sauna Village, a cluster of modern saunas in Biberach, Germany, designed to look as good as they make you feel. Clad in timber, the beautiful gabled huts feature ...

Datum: | Bron: Inhabitat

Sauna et champ de citrouilles. Construire un chateau en assemblant des pièces de différentes formes et tailles, c'est déjà extrêmement plaisant en soi. L'immersion est totale avec des salles toutes différentes, chacune racontant sa propre histoire ...

Datum: | Bron: Tric Trac

Dat blijkt uit het eerste faillissementsverslag. De vorig jaar augustus geopende sauna had na amper een jaar zeker 7,5 miljoen euro schuld. Met name de Rabobank is voor miljoenen het schip ingegaan. In totaal zijn er ruim veertig bedrijven uit met name ...

Datum: | Bron: De Gooi- en Eemlander

Highlights in the latter category include the wittily-titled Sauna The Dead, a 20-minute gay zombie bathhouse movie, and the downbeat and gritty G O'Clock, which offers an inside look at the chemsex party scene. The team behind the festival have today ...

Datum: | Bron: Gay Star News

Stručnjaci su uporedili infracrvenu saunu sa običnim saunama i otkrili koje su njene brojne prednosti i lekovita dejstva.

Datum: | Bron: B92

A Riverton man has been sentenced to jail for unlawful sexual activity with a 14-year-old boy in the sauna area of a South Jordan fitness club.

Datum: | Bron: Deseret News

The show follows Billy, a bathhouse virgin, on his maiden voyage to his friendly neighbourhood sauna. “During his deflowering, he encounters a bear-chasing twink, a passing-for-straight businessman, and a bathhouse connoisseur who is more than willing ...

Datum: | Bron: Gay News Network

The appearance of exertion is thanks to the infrared sauna I'm sitting in — the temperature rising to 42c — which apparently is helping me burn as many calories as an hour-long swim, as well as boosting my immune system and soothing my creaky lower ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Mehr Platz in den Kabinen, ein Sole-Dampfbad und die Trennung von „lauten“ und „leisen“ Gästen sind die Neuerungen in der Agunt-Sauna.

Datum: | Bron: Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

Though it does have a sauna, that is not at all the most appealing feature of Rathcoursey House in East Ferry, Midleton. Its biggest allure might be its listed Georgian pedigree, the 31 acres of wooded grounds, a walled orchard, courtyard with numerous ...

Datum: | Bron: Irish Independent

Ga lekker genieten van een luxe sauna middenin het centrum van Tilburg. In oktober 2016 gaat Citysauna weer open. Lees snel verder.

Datum: | Bron: Tilburg.com (persbericht)

As lifestyle choices go, you could do worse than follow the Scandinavians and subscribe to their love of relaxing and self-care. Saunas have been the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle across northern Europe and beyond for centuries - and now its set ...

Datum: | Bron: Scotsman

One long-term study of middle-aged Finnish men found those who spent time in a sauna 2-3 days a week enjoyed a 23% drop in their risk for a fatal heart disease or episode. The heart health benefits were even greater for men who sweated it out in a ...

Datum: | Bron: TIME
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