Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord sauna.
Once you've enjoyed the delights of the sauna and cold water, there's an inviting fire pit and an all-important outdoor bar on site. A drink or two in this setting, after a perfect sauna experience, is the ultimate way to treat yourself. The new ...
Datum: 07-09-2016 14:38 | Bron: ITCMA 77-year old patron at Harold Holt swimming pool faces a series of skin graft operations after falling in a recently refurbished sauna, while Stonnington Council faces legal action over allegations of negligence. The Harold Holt swim centre's sauna ...
Datum: 07-09-2016 02:45 | Bron: The AgeArchitects McKenzie Strickland Associates will launch a new loch-side sauna on the shore of Loch Tay this week. Hot Box, a 40-foot-long wood-fired sauna, reported to be a first of its kind in Scotland, forms part of Taymouth Marina in Kenmore, Perthshire.
Datum: 06-09-2016 17:32 | Bron: Scottish Daily RecordWedeln und Schwitzen: Die Weltmeisterschaft der Sauna-Aufgießer kehrt nach Brandenburg zurück. Eine Wellness-Anlage in Wendisch Rietz (Oder-Spree) ist nach 2013 erneut Austragungsort des schweißtreibenden Ereignisses, wie der Deutsche ...
Datum: 06-09-2016 06:51 | Bron: FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungWendisch Rietz - Wedeln und Schwitzen: Die Weltmeisterschaft der Sauna-Aufgießer kehrt nach Brandenburg zurück. Eine Wellness-Anlage in Wendisch Rietz ...
Datum: 05-09-2016 17:56 | Bron: DIE WELTWhen detoxing your body from Lyme neurotoxins and environmental toxins, you can give your liver and kidneys a break by eliminating some of those toxins through your skin with sauna therapy. With this therapy, you can reduce the amount of toxins that ...
Datum: 05-09-2016 06:05 | Bron: ProHealthHet occasionele naakt aan de vijver of de sauna en het Noors bad deden je gedachten hooguit even naar een hippiecommune uit de seventies uitwijken. Maar in Heer-Sur-Meuse nabij Dinant kon elk gezin zichzelf vooral even wijsmaken dat het nieuwe ...
Datum: 05-09-2016 01:41 | Bron: De MorgenZlepšuje imunitu a je účinnou prevenciou respiračných ochorení, ako sú nádcha a chrípka. Ale pozor, sauna chrípku nevylieči - ak už máte vírusové ochorenie, saune sa vyhnite! To, ako sa správne saunovať, vám poradí balneologička Katarína Sahulčíková z ...
Datum: 04-09-2016 00:05 | Bron: NOVÝ ČASThe sauna is portable which allowed them to load it on a trailer and haul it north to Fish Hook Lake in time for their Aug. 27 wedding. The unique sauna can be used on land and water. The entire build fell right in line with the spirit of sauna as a ...
Datum: 03-09-2016 18:10 | Bron: Park Rapids EnterpriseSärkisalmella Parikkalassa sijaitseva sauna pääsee postimerkkiin. Juha Kainulaisen otos on yksi neljästä saunakuvasta, jotka seulottiin Postin ja Ilta-Sanomien ...
Datum: 03-09-2016 16:36 | Bron: UutisvuoksiSyracuse, N.Y. — Construction is underway on a 422-bed student apartment complex in Syracuse's Outer Comstock neighborhood that will feature resort-style amenities including an oversized fitness center, tanning beds and a sauna. Aspen Heights Partners ...
Datum: 02-09-2016 15:35 | Bron: Syracuse.comBut the changes include removing the sauna and steam-room suite to focus on more popular and cost-effective health and fitness-related activities. And this has enraged users of the suite, who have even set up a protest group called Save Our Sauna (SOS).
Datum: 01-09-2016 18:19 | Bron: Derbyshire TimesLance Musa Elakamah, former Deputy Director General of the Nigerian Stock Exchange is set to commence business in his company's natural artesian and sauna centre. He tells Raheem Akingbolu the idea is turning nature's gift to a veritable business ...
Datum: 01-09-2016 01:42 | Bron: Nigeria TodayThis time the miracle cure talk involves saunas, or more precisely, a "better, healthier" way to sauna that aids sleep, clears skin and provides improved stress relief. Hollywood's fit and fabulous say that instead of being heated from the outside you ...
Datum: 31-08-2016 03:29 | Bron: American Council on Science and HealthThey caused a stir with some outrageously suggestive dancing at the MTV VMAs on Sunday night. And late on Monday evening Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande upped the ante by releasing the video for their reggae infused Side By Side. In the short film, the ...
Datum: 30-08-2016 20:18 | Bron: Daily MailNaakte waarheid in de sauna. ColumnLaatst was ik bij SpaSereen in Maarssen. Het is er prachtig, zo midden in de natuur, met weidse uitzichten en groene bomen. Ik snak daar altijd naar als ik te lang in de stad heb gebivakkeerd. Behalve naakte mensen ...
Datum: 30-08-2016 17:10 | Bron: AD.nlThis week's weather question is: What temperature do you think someone can survive in a sauna? The hottest temperature on record someone can survive in a sauna is 260°F! This is because the relative humidity was less that 1 percent. The relative ...
Datum: 30-08-2016 02:05 | Bron: WRBLMs Tippi Clark, 24, a nutritionist in Manhattan, was describing a mission that tested her endurance. "You reach the peak and it's like, 'oh, my gosh, can I make it through the last 20 minutes?'," she said. She was not talking about scaling a mountain ...
Datum: 29-08-2016 23:03 | Bron: The Straits TimesCamping Eemsverlaat in Lageland is opnieuw betrapt op overtredingen. De gemeente Slochteren dreigt het bedrijf met (mannen)sauna met een dwangsom. Bij een controle op 14 juli werden volgens de gemeente andermaal gasten van buiten de camping ...
Datum: 29-08-2016 20:04 | Bron: Dagblad van het NoordenThroughout the four-minute, Hannah Lux Davis-directed clip, Minaj and Grande get a workout in, hit the sauna and rinse off with a shower at the end. The visual opens with Grande, rocking a pink top and a hat that says 'Icon,' alongside a bunch of ...
Datum: 29-08-2016 18:19 | Bron: XXLMAG.COMMeta Physica Massage & Sauna has won $50000 from Comerica Bank in the 2016 Comerica Hatch Detroit Contest presented by Opportunity Detroit.
Datum: 29-08-2016 17:47 | Bron: MichronicleonlineMany gym memberships come with a perk that is seldom used: sauna. Tucked away at the back of the locker room in a gym, the hot sauna room doesn't see too many visitors, perhaps because the idea of sweating voluntarily without a good workout might ...
Datum: 29-08-2016 16:47 | Bron: LivemintWas für ein irrer Kick! 13604 Zuschauer werden diese Partie gegen Union Berlin bei Gluthitze nicht so schnell vergessen. 4:4! Torfestival auf Sauna-Alm. Arminia zwischen Triumph und Trauma. Nach einer halben Stunde ging's so richtig los. Schuppan ...
Datum: 29-08-2016 00:02 | Bron: BILDWith a twinkle in his eye, Leinonen says: "Now you are ready for sauna in winter, when I cut a hole in the ice to jump in the lake. Then you will be true Finns." Oh, boy, it looks like we'll have to return to truly plunge into Finland. Philadelphia ...
Datum: 27-08-2016 22:31 | Bron: Philly.comDETROIT (AP) — A company opening a center offering therapeutic massage, saunas, a raw juice bar and other health-infused features has been awarded $50,000 in a contest to reward entrepreneurs in Detroit. Meta Physica Massage & Sauna on Friday won ...
Datum: 27-08-2016 18:33 | Bron: CBS Local