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Sauna nieuws (292)

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A Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner tried to block a sex license for a gay sauna – because it's too close to a local mosque. Greenhouse Health Club, which has operated in Luton for nearly two decades, had been seeking a license that would ...

Datum: | Bron: PinkNews

Saunacomplex Thermen Binnen de Maas in 's-Gravendeel heeft terecht geen horecavergunning gekregen. Dat bevestigde de Raad van State woensdag. Eerder kwam een lagere rechter al tot hetzelfde oordeel. De gemeente Binnenmaas weigerde eerder ...

Datum: | Bron: RTV Rijnmond

Finland is so famously flat that Norway launched an online campaign last year to give its neighbor one of its many peaks. But what the country lacks in height, it makes up for with saunas: There are 3.3 million of them, roughly one per household. But ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Times

Inside The Nave, the final addition in the trilogy of luxury apartments, you'll find an array of features and characteristics that epitomise the era of design whilst also providing a cinema room, sauna and all the facilities you'd expect from a high ...

Datum: | Bron: Nottingham Post

As if Northern Italy's countryside wasn't idyllic enough, design studio noa* tucked a dreamy sauna and wellness retreat within the region's verdant green hills. Designed as part of the 'Apfelhotel Torgglerhof' in Saltaus in the Passiria Valley, the ...

Datum: | Bron: Inhabitat

One of the focal points of Actic15 will be Startup Sauna's Demo Day, held at the end of the first day of the conference. By Karolina Miller. Startup Sauna is a non-profit accelerator for early-stage startups offering a 5-week programme. To compile the ...

Datum: | Bron: ArcticStartup

OTTERLO - Een dag na het noodweer van maandagavond maken bewoners van een tiental huizen in Otterlo de balans op nadat hun kelders, soms tot het plafond toe, zijn ondergelopen. 'Die auto is total loss'.

Datum: | Bron: De Gelderlander

Gay sauna 't Pakhuisje sluit definitief de deuren, zo is te lezen op hun website. De directie heeft aangekondigd dat op 12 juni de laatste dag is dat de mannensauna geopend zal zijn. Naar verluidt zijn teruggelopen bezoekersaantallen de oorzaak van de ...

Datum: | Bron: Oog TV

Der Raum in dem die Sauna war, stand in Vollbrand. Die Feuerwehren Schleching, Unterwössen, Grassau, Marquartstein und Traunstein hatten die Flammen aber schnell unter Kontrolle. Sie konnten ein weiteres Übergreifen auf das Haus verhindern.

Datum: | Bron: Wochenblatt.de

Kaksi pyhää tilaa - sauna ja siunauskappeli. Toisessa keho herää eloon, toisessa hyvästellään vainaja. Avanto Arkkitehdit on suunnitellut uuden veistoksellisen sauna Löylyn näköalapaikalle Helsinkiin sekä vaikuttavan Pyhän Laurin siunauskappelin ...

Datum: | Bron: YLE

A new, multi-million-euro public sauna has opened its doors in Helsinki. The impressive seaside centre features a restaurant and three different steam rooms, to please even the most discriminating sauna fans.

Datum: | Bron: YLE News

Investeringsmaatschappij Waterland, die IWR in 2011 heeft opgericht, heeft haar belang in het sauna-imperium eerder deze maand verkocht aan de Spanjaarden. Aspro Parks is een bekende naam aan het worden op de Veluwe. Begin vorig jaar verraste het ...

Datum: | Bron: De Stentor

In fact, such is the Finnish people's obsession for sweating it out that they have a sauna in every one of their embassies across the globe. The sauna's have even been dubbed as their “diplomatic secret weapon.” In Helsinki, Finland's capital, sauna's ...

Datum: | Bron: The Architect's Newspaper

In der Sauna wurde es zu heiss. In San Bernardino ist es am Donnerstagnachmittag in einem Appartementhaus zu einem Brand in einer Sauna gekommen. Es entstand beträchtlicher Sachschaden.

Datum: | Bron: suedostschweiz.ch

A gay sauna's bid to gain a sex establishment licence provoked a groundswell of “homophobic and hateful” comments, the Herald & Post can exclusively reveal. Greenhouse Health Club, which has been running for more than 18 years, attempted to gain the ...

Datum: | Bron: Luton Today

A Kickstarter-funded motorized floating sauna will provide an unusual retreat for Seattle residents this year. Floating architecture has been going strong: What may have seemed like a gimmick only a few years ago has become a celebrated, ...

Datum: | Bron: Blouinartinfo UK

Le sauna étant une institution dans le pays scandinave, la chaîne de restauration rapide américaine s'est mis dans l'idée de séduire une nouvelle clientèle locale tout en attirant les touristes. Pour environ 365 $ les trois heures, les clients pourront ...

Datum: | Bron: Canoë

Health and fast-food are not necessarily synonymous, but a Burger King in Finland is trying to turn the Whopper experience into a whopping good time by bringing a spa into the restaurant. Well, a sauna. Sure, it sounds like the most unappetizing ...

Datum: | Bron: Visual News

The team at Brockwell was inspired by the sauna at King's Cross Pond Club, which has now gone for summer but was necessary when the mercury was struggling to go above zero. Both saunas are made by Bathing Under the Sky. The cedar wood the ...

Datum: | Bron: Evening Standard

In Finland, saunas are a big deal. And the country already has a lot of them—over two million, in fact, or one sauna for every 2.7 residents. There, you go to the sauna to bond with friends, be alone with your thoughts, have a baby, or just sweat out ...

Datum: | Bron: Atlas Obscura

The Finnish hotel and restaurant operator Restel has put a sauna in a Burger King in Helsinki, Finland. Designed by Teuvo Loman, the sauna area has a laundry room, a dressing room, toilets and showers, and a media lounge with an audio system and a ...

Datum: | Bron: Star2.com

While eating healthy and exercising often can help you live a balanced life, there may be a missing piece to the puzzle. That piece has been credited for relieving stress and stimulating collagen production in the skin, and is, like any wellness craze ...

Datum: | Bron: Vogue.com

HELSINKI—Finland's Parliament has one. Nokia has one. And now a Burger King restaurant in downtown Helsinki has its own sauna, too. Hanne-Mari Ahonen, brand manager for Burger King in Finland, on Wednesday said the idea was to combine local ...

Datum: | Bron: Toronto Star

Lekker, zo'n Whopper. Zo'n hamburger vult je maag - voor een uurtje, wellicht - maar heeft geen boodschap aan je andere verlangens. Daarom komt Burger King met een heuse sauna! Helsinki, de Finse hoofdstad, is een toeristische attractie rijker. Naast ...

Datum: | Bron: Panorama

When Skywheel Helsinki, Finland's answer to the London Eye, opened up two years ago, it was immediately clear that something was missing. “Many of the Finns who came were asking for a sauna,” Heikki Hayha, the attraction's general manager, told the ...

Datum: | Bron: Telegraph.co.uk
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