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Sauna nieuws (292)

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Am Sonntagnachmittag, gegen 16.30 Uhr, wurden Nachbarn auf eine starke Rauchentwicklung im Bereich der Sauna aufmerksam und informierten die Angestellten des Hotels. Beim Eintreffen der Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienste stand die zweistöckige ...

Datum: | Bron: bgland24.de

Normal apartment dwellers simply don't have the space for certain amenities. Trying to cram a pool table into a room that also needs to hold a couch, TV, and other typical things you need for comfort is often a no-go. But if you have room for a closet ...

Datum: | Bron: Digital Trends

Sweating it out on a regular basis in saunas is something that the Finns, Russians and many other people particularly of cold climate cultures have sworn by for centuries. And now science has proven there may in fact be some life-extending benefits to ...

Datum: | Bron: Seeker (registration) (blog)

Eigentlich hätte die gemeindeeigene Sauna Vital Agunt heuer und 2017 umgebaut werden sollen. Bei der jüngsten Gemeinderatssitzung hat man sich einstimmig darauf geeinigt, die gesamten Umbaumaßnahmen heuer im Juli und August durchzuführen.

Datum: | Bron: Kleine Zeitung

Having completed a 27-year career with the Illinois State Police, Peter Randulovic was not about to sit in a coffee shop and trade stories about days gone by. Instead, the former Peotone resident and one-term village trustee there set out to establish ...

Datum: | Bron: Kankakee Daily Journal

Our eyes were positively out on stalks this morning, when we saw the string of naked selfies Usher posted on his Snapchat page. As anyone who follows him on Instagram will know, Usher has become very liberal with whipping his kit off these days ...

Datum: | Bron: Huffington Post UK

Zo confronteerde presentator Matthijs van Nieuwkerk hem met een anekdote van Xavi dat Litmanen bij FC Barcelona altijd naakt met voetbalschoenen aan de sauna in ging. "Want dan pasten ze beter", was het verhaal. 'Doe ik dat nog steeds? Naakt in de ...

Datum: | Bron: Ajax Showtime

Una sauna casalinga che si chiude a fisarmonica, arrivando a occupare l'ingombro di un armadio. Da 1,60 metri a 60 centimetri di profondità in pochi secondi, accompagnati dal flebile sibilo. Una magia alla Harry Potter, come la casa del suo padrino ...

Datum: | Bron: Wired.it

Bereits im Spätsommer vergangenen Jahres war Haas mit der Idee an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen und hatte zu „Kunst und Kultur am Steegersee“ zur Probe eine Sauna am See aufgestellt. Das Interesse sei definitiv da, so Haas. Etwa vier Leute finden in eine ...

Datum: | Bron: Schwäbische Zeitung

A empresa alemã Klafs criou o conceito de sauna retrátil que, basicamente, cabe em qualquer lado. A S1 tem o tamanho de um armário ou de um móvel na sala (60 centímetros de profundidade) mas cresce a partir do mobilidade de três módulos que, ...

Datum: | Bron: TSF Online

Saunas take up a lot of space, given that they are not used that much of the time. So the German company Klafs has invented one that is made of three telescoping sections. Folded up, Designboom says it is "roughly the size of a bookcase" although at ...

Datum: | Bron: Treehugger

Hoe heerlijk is het om thuis een eigen sauna te hebben? Veel mensen willen zouden het wel willen, maar hebben er in huis niet de ruimte voor. Het Duitse KLAFS komt met een geniale oplossing: de uitschuifbare sauna. Je hebt op het plaatje hierboven al ...

Datum: | Bron: Mixed Grill

With new houses barely half the size they were around a century ago, owners are having to think of space-saving ways to cram everything they want into their homes. And now there's a sauna that starts off the size of a wardrobe but expands to a 'room ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Ísafjördur, the biggest town in the remote Westfjords, is a 45-minute flight from Reykjavik. My shuddering propeller plane flew into the throat of Ísafjördur's valley, banking sharply left quite close to one steep mountain wall, then skimmed black ...

Datum: | Bron: Slate Magazine

forget everything you already know about where saunas can be installed. german company klafs now wants everyone to enjoy the calming experience (even in tiny apartments) with the 'S1' – a retractable sauna roughly the size of a bookcase.

Datum: | Bron: Designboom (blog)

The hotel spa villas are part of Damac's Akoya Oxygen project, on the Umm Suqeim Road, and provide buyers with a choice of Jacuzzi or sauna in the garden. Prices start at Dh1.7 million, and they come fully furnished and serviced. The Dubai developer ...

Datum: | Bron: The National

Floor-to-ceiling windows throughout, 4 additional bedrooms, 3 laundry rooms, indoor pool, sauna, theatre, lower level second kitchen. state-of-the-art technology. Magnificent back yard includes deck, patio and putting green. Slate roof. Must see to ...

Datum: | Bron: Patch.com

Sauna, v ktorej sa nielen potí, ale poskytuje neuveriteľný zážitok. Naraz sa do nej zmestia stovky ľudí a atmosféra vnútri pripomína skôr nočný bar. Zrejme nikoho neprekvapí, že sa nachádza vo Fínsku. V krajine, ktorá drží svetový rekord v počte sáun ...

Datum: | Bron: TVNOVINY.sk

Überhaupt kein Verständnis für die beschlossene Schließung der Sauna im Hamborner Rhein-Ruhr-Bad haben Nutzer der „Schwitzabteilung“. Jede Woche freitags trifft sich seit der Eröffnung des Bades im Jahr 2004 eine Gruppe aus zwölf bis 14 Personen, ...

Datum: | Bron: Derwesten.de

Sauna Swoll introduceert dit voorjaar, net als vorig jaar, de twee-maandenkaart. Bezoekers kunnen de strikt persoonlijke kaart in de maanden mei, juni en juli aanschaffen voor 200 euro. Met de kaarten hebben ze, vanaf het moment van aankoop, twee ...

Datum: | Bron: De Swollenaer

TÜRKİYE'DEKİ jakuzi, küvet, sauna ve duş sistemleri pazarının yüzde 60'ına hükmeden SRC Yapı, büyümeye devam ediyor. Ukrayna'nın en büyük yapı marketi EpiCentre ile el sıkıştıklarını söyleyen SRC Yapı Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Abdurrahman Sürücü, ...

Datum: | Bron: Memurlar

Studentii unei facultati din Finalnda vor sa bata un record mondial, cu multa sudoare. Au construit cea mai mare sauna, in care au loc in acelasi timp 300 de persoane si vor sa ajunga in Cartea Recordurilor.

Datum: | Bron: stirileprotv.ro

TÜRKİYE'DEKİ jakuzi, küvet, sauna ve duş sistemleri pazarının yüzde 60'ına hükmeden SRC Yapı, büyümeye devam ediyor. Ukrayna'nın en büyük yapı marketi EpiCentre ile el sıkıştıklarını söyleyen SRC Yapı Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Abdurrahman Sürücü, ...

Datum: | Bron: Yeniyüzyıl Gazetesi

Kleine Cupido heeft een origineel geschenkje klaar dit jaar een 'cadeaubon van GoZen, Wellness-Prive sauna in Ninove. Het center is voorzien van de volgende faciliteiten : Finse sauna, Aromasauna, Infra-rood sauna, Whirlpool, douche met trekemmer, ...

Datum: | Bron: Editiepajot

Liga (derzeit 10 Punkte Rückstand auf Relegationsplatz 16 bei noch vier ausstehenden Spielen) veranstaltet der Sauna-Klub eine Sex-Party. Im Eintrittspreis inbegriffen ist laut Homepage neben alkoholischen Getränken auch ein maximal 15-minütiger ...

Datum: | Bron: BILD
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