Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord sauna.
Guests can spread out on blue and red benches in the sauna, perhaps covering their modesty with a Burger King towel or robe, and watch TV or play video games while basking in the steam. And if all that pore-flushing is making you hungry, servers from ...
Datum: 17-05-2016 13:20 | Bron: CNNBurger King fait une fois de plus le buzz. Après l'annonce de la mise en vente de ses « single fries » et sa vidéo publicitaire faisant écho à celle de Mc Do, le géant américain vient d'avoir une nouvelle idée: déguster son burger dans… un sauna. L ...
Datum: 17-05-2016 10:01 | Bron: Metro BelgiqueDe Burger King wellness heeft twee saunas en een stoombad. De sauna voor vijftien personen is volgens Burger King 'ideaal voor verjaardagsfeestjes en bijeenkomsten'. Daarnaast is er een sauna voor tien personen, waarin een tv aanwezig is. Daarnaast ...
Datum: 17-05-2016 09:44 | Bron: @FoodClicksI am a little bit over size and have constantly been advised by my friends to go to the sauna regularly which I have heeded. Although I have lost some weight, I always feel so exhausted when I leave the sauna. Should I maintain my routine or leave the ...
Datum: 16-05-2016 00:18 | Bron: The New TimesIf you've ever wished you could enjoy your Burger King Whopper while sitting in a sauna, you might be in luck. The fast food chain recently unveiled the Burger King Spa — complete with steam rooms and media lounges — in one of its Helsinki, Finland ...
Datum: 15-05-2016 18:48 | Bron: BustleSPANKEREN - Herberg De Luchte in Spankeren wordt flink verbouwd. Het eeuwenoude pand aan de Zutphensestraatweg krijgt een extra eetzaal, een sauna, een nieuw terras en vier appartementen waar gasten kunnen overnachten. ,,Het karakter blijft ...
Datum: 15-05-2016 09:15 | Bron: De GelderlanderIl faut dire qu'en Finlande, on ne blague pas avec le sauna. Véritable institution dans les pays scandinaves, ce bain de chaleur est prisé de tous, toutes générations confondues, même les plus jeunes. Il est particulièrement fréquent que les ados et ...
Datum: 14-05-2016 19:31 | Bron: 20minutes.frIn Finland taking a sauna is a common social activit so it's pretty canny for the burger chain to localise their restaurant in this way. The sauna has room for 15 people, and there's also a 10-person spa. It has TVs and a video game console, white-rock ...
Datum: 14-05-2016 07:10 | Bron: JunkeeWhile its main competitor experiments with new burgers, Burger King has stepped things up by opening a full-service spa in Finland. Fast food fans can now shed their clothing in the sauna while tucking into their favorite Whopper meal. As the Inquisitr ...
Datum: 13-05-2016 21:27 | Bron: The InquisitrSAUNA - Altijd al eens naar de sauna willen gaan, maar de stap nog nooit gezet? In de maand juni is het iedere woensdag van 13.00 - 21.30 uur badkledingdag in de sauna van Tropiqua. U kunt dan voor maar € 4,90 per persoon in uw badkleding gebruik ...
Datum: 13-05-2016 06:58 | Bron: parkstadveendamThe facility will host steam rooms and saunas, which also includes large flat screens, a laundry area and a Playstation 4 outlet. The site also states that if customers are interested in taking a trip from the counter to the sauna, they'll have to ...
Datum: 12-05-2016 20:13 | Bron: VibeWOW: Burger King opent sauna. 12 mei 2016 om 16:24 • Alice Boothby. WOW: Burger King opent sauna. Foto: Burger King. Hamburgers en gezondheid. Niet echt een goede combinatie, zou je denken. Toch denkt Burger King er anders over en opent de ...
Datum: 12-05-2016 16:28 | Bron: Metronieuws.nlA Burger King in Finland has something no other fast-food restaurant in the world offers: an on-site sauna. The restaurant, located in Helsinki, offers full service in the sauna, with servers who take food and beverage orders and then deliver the items ...
Datum: 11-05-2016 20:23 | Bron: Business InsiderThe health-obsessed beauty had taken to Snapchat to share her infrared sauna experiences at Gravity and Higher Dose in New York City. Even though Bronfman's butterscotch complexion is already seemingly flawless, she reappeared on camera after each ...
Datum: 11-05-2016 15:31 | Bron: Huffington PostGetting covered in plaster with a bunch of people after this nice old man stopped the show with a single clap. It was part of an art performance. The plaster cast made me so dehydrated that i woke up in the night afterwards from a sauna involved ...
Datum: 11-05-2016 15:30 | Bron: Iceland MonitorThe Sauna Futsal Club crowning ceremony was overshadowed by a humiliating 10-3 defeat in their final game of the season to Typhoons FC before they received a trophy for winning the inaugural mini-league on Tuesday night. The hitherto unbeaten side ...
Datum: 11-05-2016 12:45 | Bron: New VisionSweat Sauna offers infrared heat therapy, in which customers can relax in a private room equipped with a personal infrared sauna pod, which uses dry infrared heating to increase the body's core temperature and induce sweating on the cellular level.
Datum: 10-05-2016 20:24 | Bron: Jackson Free PressLiving in a tiny urban apartment means you have to learn to live without certain amenities. Thanks to a German company called Klafs, a sauna doesn't have to be one of them. Its new Sauna S1 folds away like a telescoping camera lens, so it's no bigger ...
Datum: 10-05-2016 20:13 | Bron: GizmodoThe 'luxury for all' trend is quickly picking up steam as it invades everything from personal planes to in-home saunas. Once the domain of the wealthy, who could match the price point with enough space to house such a bulky utility, German-based ...
Datum: 10-05-2016 16:55 | Bron: PSFK (blog)Sauna futsal club will be crowned champions of the inaugural Uganda Futsal mini league at the MTN Arena in Lugogo, Tuesday night. Futsal Association of Uganda chairman Hamza Jjunju said, "NCS has helped us have a successful test. We shall need their ...
Datum: 10-05-2016 15:09 | Bron: New VisionI benefici della sauna sono noti: aiuta a eliminare le tossine dal corpo, stimolando le funzioni degli altri organi. Rilassa i muscoli e le giunture, pulisce e rende elastica la pelle, stimola il metabolismo, aiuta il sistema immunitario e produce un ...
Datum: 10-05-2016 10:04 | Bron: OggiIf you're lucky and comfortable enough with idea of going to a Korean bathhouse, then that can be a great way to relax. However, if you're only going for one sauna room there's no point in shelling out money on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, so you may ...
Datum: 09-05-2016 20:30 | Bron: Coolest GadgetsValle live und zum ersten Mal solo hieß es bei der Uraufführung von „I d´r Sauna“ und beim Sinnieren über das komplizierte Zusammenleben von Mann und Frau blieb dementsprechend kein Auge trocken. Fast jeder im Publikum konnte sich mit so manchem ...
Datum: 09-05-2016 13:16 | Bron: VOL.AT - Vorarlberg OnlineOp 14 mei zal Sauna Ishidoro in Holten officieel openen. Ishidoro is een luxe kleinschalige privésauna welke door kleine groepen van 2 tot maximaal 10 personen kan worden gehuurd. Eigenaar Elly Schoon heeft samen met haar partner Dick Veer dit ...
Datum: 08-05-2016 22:30 | Bron: Rijssens NieuwsbladZe doen er in sauna's, maar dan omgekeerd. Waarom zouden mensen in een cabine gaan staan waarin het ongenadig koud is en daar ook nog voor betalen? "Omdat het goed voor je is," zegt bedrijfsleider Bastiaan Swager. "Je herstelt sneller van blessures, ...
Datum: 08-05-2016 20:01 | Bron: Parool.nl