Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord sauna.
The tradition of sauna comes from Finland. It's a part of everyday life in many countries. Saunas are said to help with things like stress, and they increase blood flow. Gina Bullard found one man making them in Vermont. It's Nils Shenholm's favorite ...
Datum: 23-02-2016 00:32 | Bron: WCAXIf their latest mix of paintings, sculptures, and sound works fail to entice, SIGNAL gallery is hoping you'll come (and stay) for a built-in sauna. In Watermark, the Bushwick gallery's forthcoming group exhibition, visitors can expect a dimly lit space ...
Datum: 22-02-2016 23:24 | Bron: artnet NewsA spokeswoman for Merseyside Police said the force could “confirm that an investigation is underway after a man collapsed in a Liverpool city centre sauna.” The Splash sauna and spa is described as “Liverpool's premier gay sauna”. A statement from the ...
Datum: 22-02-2016 10:25 | Bron: PinkNewsThe sauna, which describes itself as "Liverpool's premier gay sauna", is located on Fazakerley Street. A spokeswoman for Merseyside Police said the force could "confirm that an investigation is underway after a man collapsed in a Liverpool city centre ...
Datum: 20-02-2016 22:15 | Bron: Mirror.co.ukEine Männergruppe hat im bayerischen Nördlingen die Beherrschung verloren, weil sie nicht in eine volle Sauna gelassen wurde. Wie die Polizei berichtete, war in der Sauna nur noch ein Platz frei, die fünf Männer wurden am Donnerstagabend deshalb ...
Datum: 19-02-2016 14:24 | Bron: SPIEGEL ONLINEFriday's papers: 'Sote' again, sauna mishap, and Obama lauds Timonen. Friday's press includes hefty coverage of the eternal question of healthcare reform, a bizarre and tragic accident in the sauna, and praise for a Finnish hockey hero at the White House.
Datum: 19-02-2016 08:07 | Bron: YLE NewsAnother is sharing the sauna, which is so popular that it is one of the country's national symbols. Privately its use is ubiquitous, but even for business negotiations the sauna is so deeply rooted in Finnish custom that every larger company or ...
Datum: 18-02-2016 23:08 | Bron: Huffington PostThis six-person wood-heated mobile sauna is located at the Citadel of Budapest, Hungary. It gives its audience a stunning view over the river Danube. At euronews we believe in the intelligence of our viewers and we think that the mission of a news ...
Datum: 18-02-2016 12:58 | Bron: euronewsThe future is here: Celebs such as Selena Gomez, LL Cool J, and Gwyneth Paltrow are perfecting their skin and giving their heart the equivalent of a 10-mile run while lying in a warm bed and watching Roku. Really! The treatment is infrared sweating ...
Datum: 17-02-2016 22:33 | Bron: StyleCasterLondon's biggest gay sauna chain has announced the closure of its second branch in the space of a month, after the building was bought for development. Chariots in Streatham High Road closed its doors for the final time on Valentine's Day, ending a run ...
Datum: 17-02-2016 17:28 | Bron: Evening StandardBut for the latter it means no more air conditioning, saunas and big TV screens. After 49 people were killed in the riot between rival factions of the Los Zetas cartel last Thursday morning, the state government has dismantled the crime gang and its ...
Datum: 17-02-2016 00:45 | Bron: Mexico News DailyMonterrey, Mexico: Vast luxuries such as saunas, mini-fridges, a bar, a king-size bed and food stands were discovered by authorities entering a prison in northern Mexico to investigate a riot that killed 49 inmates. Nuevo Leon state authorities said in ...
Datum: 16-02-2016 00:31 | Bron: Sydney Morning HeraldDe Mexicaanse politie heeft een grote schoonmaak gehouden in de gevangenis waar vorige week donderdag rellen uitbraken. Daarbij troffen agenten meerdere luxe cellen aan, uitgerust met exquise voorzieningen als minibars, draagbare sauna's en ...
Datum: 15-02-2016 16:40 | Bron: VolkskrantMika Sivho's sauna-on-wheels is the perfect solution for people who want to be able to enjoy a sauna anytime, anywhere. You can hook it onto the back of your car when you go camping. Or, you could just park it in your driveway and invite the neighbours ...
Datum: 15-02-2016 16:35 | Bron: MetroMit Erstaunen haben die Behörden im Gefängnis Topo Chico Riesen-Flachbildschirme, Kingsize-Betten und mobile Saunen in den Zellen gefunden. Der Chef eines Drogenkartells hatte sogar eine Frau bei sich. Zur Startseite. 0. Twittern · Hinter den Mauern ...
Datum: 15-02-2016 12:15 | Bron: DIE WELTLa prison possédait des "cellules luxueuses" avec air conditionné, mini-frigidaires, télévisions, aquariums et saunas portatifs, qui ont été saisis, a-t-il indiqué. Il y a avait même des stands de nourriture, des boutiques, et même un bar, gérés par ...
Datum: 15-02-2016 08:12 | Bron: 7sur7Was die Behörden nach der Gefängnisrevolte in der mexikanischen Haftanstalt Topo Chico fanden, hat wenig mit karger Knastausstattung zu tun: Unter anderem kamen ein Luxusbad, ein Aquarium und eine Sauna zum Vorschein. In der Haftanstalt war ...
Datum: 15-02-2016 07:01 | Bron: tagesschau.deDEN HAAG/WIJCHEN - Bij recreatieplas de Berendonck in Wijchen komt hoogstwaarschijnlijk toch een sauna- en welnesscomplex, naar voorbeeld van Thermen Bussloo op de Veluwe. De Raad van State stemde dinsdag in met het plan, nu de ...
Datum: 10-02-2016 17:14 | Bron: De GelderlanderBOCHOLT - Een 26-jarige vrouw uit Rhede, enkele kilometers ten oosten van Bocholt, is dinsdag in de sauna van zwembad Bahia in de Duitse stad lastiggevallen door een mannelijke bezoeker.
Datum: 10-02-2016 16:05 | Bron: De GelderlanderBleiswijk – De brandweer is maandagavond rond 19.33 uur uitgerukt naar het Elysium aan de Kooilaan voor een brand in het Welnessresort. Ter plaatse bleek een kachel van een sauna buiten het gebouw te hebben vlamgevat. Omdat een ladderwagen ...
Datum: 08-02-2016 20:28 | Bron: Nieuws op BeeldAlmost 1,000 people stripped down to swimsuits and underwear to take part in a bizarre competition to visit the most saunas in one day. Braving the cold and ice, the European Sauna Marathon in Otepaa, Estonia, saw competitors, some of whom clearly ...
Datum: 08-02-2016 18:53 | Bron: Daily MailHet Leidse underground concertfietsenhok Sub071 is niet meer, maar de geest van die plek blijft rondwaren. Zo is AA Nights in het leven geroepen, voor jonge talenten uit de buurt of obscure namen die spelen op verschillende plekken in Leiden, dus niet ...
Datum: 06-02-2016 13:37 | Bron: Kicking The HabitBeschrijving: Hot yoga bij Swoll Sauna. "Natuurlijk zul je zweten, maar warmte zorgt ook voor extra doorbloeding en flexibele spieren." Fotograaf: Frans Paalman. ZWOLLE. Yoga is 'hot'. Dat is zeker te merken bij Sauna Swoll. Elke donderdagochtend en ...
Datum: 05-02-2016 10:13 | Bron: De StentorSince moving to Finland in August, I spend most Saturday nights sitting around naked with my neighbors. Stripping down and sweating it out together in a sauna is a beloved part of Finnish culture, so much so that there are two million saunas in this ...
Datum: 04-02-2016 22:15 | Bron: BustleChariots in Shoreditch – London's biggest gay sauna – is being closed down to make way for a luxury hotel. Highgate Holdings just had their planning application approved by Hackney council, meaning they will soon close the 20,000sq ft sauna, and take ...
Datum: 04-02-2016 14:19 | Bron: Metro