Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord sauna.
De gemeente Slochteren heeft het toezicht verscherpt op camping Eemsverlaat in Lageland. Er wordt al jaren gesteggeld over vergunningen voor de camping met (mannen)sauna. Geen strafbare feiten. Op zaterdagavond 6 februari heeft Slochteren actie ...
Datum: 29-02-2016 07:11 | Bron: Dagblad van het NoordenKnopje vergeten: brand in sauna. De brandweer had uren werk om de brand in wellnesscentrum Thermen R te blussen.  De brandweer had uren werk om de brand in wellnesscentrum Thermen R te blussen. - Alexander Haezebrouck.
Datum: 29-02-2016 03:42 | Bron: Het Laatste NieuwsSOUTH JORDAN — A Riverton man was charged Friday in an alleged sexual encounter that police say he initiated with a 14-year-old boy immediately after the two happened upon each other in a sauna at a South Jordan gym. Brynnen Douglas Green, 27, ...
Datum: 27-02-2016 21:46 | Bron: Deseret NewsDe politie in Eindhoven heeft zaterdag een 39-man gearresteerd op verdenking van brandstichting in een sauna aan de Antoon Coolenlaan. De politie kreeg in de vroege ochtend van de eigenaar een melding dat er werd ingebroken, aldus een ...
Datum: 27-02-2016 10:58 | Bron: Telegraaf.nlBut today is different: After 19 years, Britain's biggest gay sauna will close, and tomorrow demolition awaits. This, then, is the last hurrah. More than 20 LGBT venues have closed in London this decade. The capital's gay scene is gasping for air, and ...
Datum: 27-02-2016 09:42 | Bron: BuzzFeed NewsEINDHOVEN - Bij Gay Sauna Tibet in Eindhoven heeft in de nacht van vrijdag op zaterdag korte tijd een brand gewoed. Dat bevestigen medewerkers tegenover Omroep Brabant. Er zou sprake zijn van brandstichting. De vermoedelijke dader is aangehouden ...
Datum: 27-02-2016 06:56 | Bron: Omroep BrabantOn our last afternoon in Austria, my wife and I headed to the sauna for a bit of après-ski relaxation. I am never quite sure what I am meant to be getting out of this experience. You get hot and sweaty and it's hard to breathe, which I imagine is what ...
Datum: 27-02-2016 00:36 | Bron: MetroA Nottingham gay sauna will feature in a 'reveal-all' documentary which will be seen by millions. CS2, in Lennox Street, off Lower Parliament Street, which has been open for just over four years, is frequented by dozens of gay and bi-curious men every ...
Datum: 26-02-2016 17:45 | Bron: Nottingham PostThe rabbi, Jonathan Rosenblatt, had fought hard to keep his job at the Riverdale Jewish Center after the publication of an article in The New York Times in May describing the sauna sessions, and many congregants rallied to his defense. But hundreds of ...
Datum: 25-02-2016 18:43 | Bron: New York TimesIn einem Hotel am Bremer Bahnhofsplatz ist am Mittwochabend ein Feuer ausgebrochen. Nach Angaben der Feuerwehr brannte die Sauna im achten Stock. Das Feuer war nach etwas mehr als einer Stunde gelöscht. Verletzt wurde niemand.
Datum: 24-02-2016 19:18 | Bron: Radio Bremen OnlineSauna Swoll ligt ten zuidoosten van de Overijsselse hoofdstad. Rijkswaterstaat wil daar de N35 omleggen. Naast de sauna moet een hoge afrit komen. De sauna-eigenaren waren bang dat de bezoekers zich in hun privacy aangetast zouden voelen en dat ...
Datum: 24-02-2016 13:20 | Bron: Telegraaf.nl“The 54-year-old man, from Blackpool, was taken to the Royal Liverpool University Hospital shortly after 6pm after collapsing in the sauna. His condition is described as critical,” she said. “At this stage the cause of the man's condition is unknown ...
Datum: 23-02-2016 14:07 | Bron: attitude.co.uk (satire) (registration) (blog)In this week's "On the market" property, we feature a Princeton home that comes with its own wine cellar and sauna. The Mercer County house is listed for $1,350,000. According to Trulia the taxes are estimated at just over $34,000 per year. The house ...
Datum: 23-02-2016 13:10 | Bron: NJ.comCLOSETED footballers are secretly using a gay sauna in Nottingham as they fear opening up about their sexuality. Premier league and Championship footie stars are allegedly among the confidential customers of converted backstreet warehouse CS2.
Datum: 23-02-2016 12:42 | Bron: The SunThe initial reaction when you walk into a room and find 40 naked strangers staring at you is to turn the other way and run. And so that's what I did, ignoring the puzzled looks from the 40 starkers sauna goers and quickly shuffling in the other ...
Datum: 23-02-2016 02:46 | Bron: Stuff.co.nzThe latest fitness hack has nothing to do with quirky diets or weird workouts but “teaching” your torso to take on an hourglass figure. Meet the waist trainer: a throwback to the Victorian era with a modern twist. Made from a latex-polyester mix, it ...
Datum: 23-02-2016 02:12 | Bron: South China Morning Post (subscription)The tradition of sauna comes from Finland. It's a part of everyday life in many countries. Saunas are said to help with things like stress, and they increase blood flow. Gina Bullard found one man making them in Vermont. It's Nils Shenholm's favorite ...
Datum: 23-02-2016 00:32 | Bron: WCAXIf their latest mix of paintings, sculptures, and sound works fail to entice, SIGNAL gallery is hoping you'll come (and stay) for a built-in sauna. In Watermark, the Bushwick gallery's forthcoming group exhibition, visitors can expect a dimly lit space ...
Datum: 22-02-2016 23:24 | Bron: artnet NewsA spokeswoman for Merseyside Police said the force could “confirm that an investigation is underway after a man collapsed in a Liverpool city centre sauna.” The Splash sauna and spa is described as “Liverpool's premier gay sauna”. A statement from the ...
Datum: 22-02-2016 10:25 | Bron: PinkNewsThe sauna, which describes itself as "Liverpool's premier gay sauna", is located on Fazakerley Street. A spokeswoman for Merseyside Police said the force could "confirm that an investigation is underway after a man collapsed in a Liverpool city centre ...
Datum: 20-02-2016 22:15 | Bron: Mirror.co.ukEine Männergruppe hat im bayerischen Nördlingen die Beherrschung verloren, weil sie nicht in eine volle Sauna gelassen wurde. Wie die Polizei berichtete, war in der Sauna nur noch ein Platz frei, die fünf Männer wurden am Donnerstagabend deshalb ...
Datum: 19-02-2016 14:24 | Bron: SPIEGEL ONLINEFriday's papers: 'Sote' again, sauna mishap, and Obama lauds Timonen. Friday's press includes hefty coverage of the eternal question of healthcare reform, a bizarre and tragic accident in the sauna, and praise for a Finnish hockey hero at the White House.
Datum: 19-02-2016 08:07 | Bron: YLE NewsAnother is sharing the sauna, which is so popular that it is one of the country's national symbols. Privately its use is ubiquitous, but even for business negotiations the sauna is so deeply rooted in Finnish custom that every larger company or ...
Datum: 18-02-2016 23:08 | Bron: Huffington PostThis six-person wood-heated mobile sauna is located at the Citadel of Budapest, Hungary. It gives its audience a stunning view over the river Danube. At euronews we believe in the intelligence of our viewers and we think that the mission of a news ...
Datum: 18-02-2016 12:58 | Bron: euronewsThe future is here: Celebs such as Selena Gomez, LL Cool J, and Gwyneth Paltrow are perfecting their skin and giving their heart the equivalent of a 10-mile run while lying in a warm bed and watching Roku. Really! The treatment is infrared sweating ...
Datum: 17-02-2016 22:33 | Bron: StyleCaster