Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord sauna.
... selbst nähte. Der SVZ bleibt das Ehepaar natürlich auch in diesem Jahrtausend treu und der Landeshauptstadt ebenfalls. Walter Tschuschner ist hier fast wunschlos glücklich: „Das einzige, was wir noch gerne hätten, wäre eine Sauna in der Schwimmhalle.
Datum: 30-11-2015 16:01 | Bron: svz.deOpening in Auckland's Cross Street, just off Krd, Splash Sauna and Bathhouse will be a fully licensed venue and the latest venture for Grady Elliot. Elliot also recently opened Twist Bar on Krd, a new gay venue replacing what was Auckland's first dry bar.
Datum: 30-11-2015 07:31 | Bron: Gay NZViele Leute gehen in diesen Tagen deshalb das erste Mal überhaupt oder nach einigen Jahren Pause wieder in die Sauna. Der Einstieg ist kein Problem. „Sauna ist nicht kompliziert“, beruhigt Hans-Jürgen Gensow vom Deutschen Sauna-Bund.
Datum: 29-11-2015 09:06 | Bron: svz.dePedersen is the sauna-meister for Little Box Sauna in downtown Minneapolis. This winter, next door to the Westminster Presbyterian Church, heat seekers can enjoy a free steam. The space fits up to 10 visitors. “Well they're only strangers for a few ...
Datum: 28-11-2015 00:00 | Bron: CBS LocalThere is even a DIY sauna attached to a neighboring bunker, though scant supplies of water can put it out of action. Clearly, these men know how to look after themselves. The platoon's nickname, Copper, allegedly stems from a former proclivity for ...
Datum: 27-11-2015 13:54 | Bron: VICE NewsSauna accessories help improve the bather experience in the sauna, and the accessories selected are representative of the bather's style and personality. From basic styles for the purist looking for simplicity in design to accessories that encourage a ...
Datum: 26-11-2015 01:33 | Bron: BenzingaInfrared technology has been used to help increase metabolism, drop blood pressure, and increase blood circulation. Some experts claim you can burn up to 700 calories in an hour. It's different from a normal sauna in that you receive the same rays that ...
Datum: 24-11-2015 23:54 | Bron: WFAA“The man loitered naked in the sauna,” he said. “The man was also in the women's showers wearing a Speedo-like swimsuit.” “In both incidents, the man was confronted but fled before he could be identified.” Police have released security camera images of ...
Datum: 24-11-2015 18:52 | Bron: Toronto SunHe loitered naked in the sauna and was also in the women's shower wearing a “Speedo-like swimsuit.” On Oct. 20, the same man was seen loitering in the same women's change room after entering from the pool area. In both cases, the man was confronted ...
Datum: 24-11-2015 13:56 | Bron: Toronto Star“You're walking into the sauna or change room of your building, likely alone or with another woman, and there's a 6ft2 guy, naked, standing there, I think that's concerning,” said Toronto Police Const. David Hopkinson. He is described as approximately ...
Datum: 24-11-2015 12:52 | Bron: Globalnews.caWenn's kalt wird im Herbst, gehen viele Menschen in die Sauna. Manuel Kuhn, Prokurist der Tourismus, Kur und Freizeit GmbH (TKF) , weiß das. Und er weiß auch: Seit die Saunalandschaft der Moor-Therme für rund 900 000 Euro erweitert und modernisiert ...
Datum: 23-11-2015 19:06 | Bron: Nordsee-ZeitungDas 'Via Spa' kostet 45 Euro Eintritt, umfasst mehrere Duschräume, ein Hamam und eine finnische Sauna. Zudem haben Passagiere die Möglichkeit, einige Gates weiter entspannende Yoga-Übungen durchzuführen. Hierfür steht Reisenden der sogenannte ...
Datum: 22-11-2015 15:00 | Bron: derStandard.atBij een sauna denk je aan lekker warm water of een stoombad, maar in Japan is een resort waar je in wijn kunt zwemmen. Afgelopen donderdag mochten de flessen Beaujolais Nouveau worden opengetrokken. In de Hakone Kowakien Yunessun spa deden ...
Datum: 21-11-2015 15:11 | Bron: RTL Nieuws358 is the area code for Finland, home of the Nordic practice of sauna. Now, a loose confederation of enthusiasts who make up the 612 Sauna Society is reigniting the ritual of the bench in Minnesota, and inviting the public to join them. “It's a unique ...
Datum: 21-11-2015 14:16 | Bron: Minneapolis Star TribuneWhat could be better than floating on a tranquil lake while sitting in a rejuvenating sauna? This could be a reality for Seattle residents, as architects from goCStudio have launched a floating sauna next to the city known to be nearly surrounded by water.
Datum: 19-11-2015 19:38 | Bron: SkinInc.comA woman was harassed by a group of young men who repeatedly sun lyrics from Kelis song Milkshake. Sheryle Mardell said she felt 'awful and intimidated' as the men chanted 'My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard' at her while she used the sauna ...
Datum: 19-11-2015 18:00 | Bron: MetroA woman is calling for female only sauna sessions at Levenshulme Baths after a group of men sang an 'inappropriate' song at her. Sheryle Mardell was stepping out of the sauna when a group of young men started singing 'my milkshake brings all the boys ...
Datum: 19-11-2015 11:46 | Bron: Manchester Evening NewsVanuit de Franse sneeuw zo de sauna in… Eugenie Engelbracht. DRIEBERGEN - Stel je voor: je hebt een hele dag druk geskied of gesnowboard, je bent moe en het is best wel koud op de pistes. Wat is er dan fijner om je weer lekker op te laden in een ...
Datum: 19-11-2015 09:10 | Bron: Tripnieuws.nl (abonnement) (Blog)While we all know that's basically impossible, you can at least simulate the warm feeling you would get from one with this JNH 2 Person Infrared Sauna. This is a dry heat sauna that you can buy and set up easily in your home so the cold can't bother you.
Datum: 18-11-2015 19:45 | Bron: Coolest GadgetsStel je eens voor: je hebt een hele dag druk geskied of gesnowboard, je bent moe en het is best wel koud op de pistes. Je lichaam is uitgeput van alle activiteiten van die dag en het wordt langzaam maar zeker donker. Wat is er nu fijner dan weer op te ...
Datum: 18-11-2015 19:41 | Bron: SinglessiteDeze avond organiseert de Naturistische Zwemvereniging Delft (NZD) een sauna- en zwemavond voor leden en niet leden in het Sportfondsenbad, Weteringlaan 1 in Delft. Het gehele zwembad, inclusief de droge en natte sauna's en het bubbelbad worden ...
Datum: 18-11-2015 10:14 | Bron: Groot Rijswijk (persbericht) (Blog)Omakotitalon sauna tuhoutui Ylivieskan Koskipuhdossa Kustintiellä syttyneessä tulipalossa tiistai-iltana. Kukaan ei loukkaantunut tulipalossa, mutta sauna tuhoutui kauttaaltaan ja tuli ehti levitä myös saunan rakenteisiin. Myös talon muut osat kärsivät ...
Datum: 17-11-2015 19:32 | Bron: Kaleva.fiTyson Fury believes he has heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko running scared ahead of their world title bout later this month - and all because of a session in the sauna. Fury, who has likened himself to Muhammad Ali, is growing increasingly ...
Datum: 17-11-2015 12:08 | Bron: Mirror.co.ukDas Thermen-Hotel, das vor Jahren am Nordwestufer des Hollerner Sees entstehen sollte, hat damals erst zu einem öffentlichen Aufschrei und dann zu einem Bürgerentscheid in Unterschleißheim geführt. Jetzt könnte eine See-Sauna kommen, nach dem ...
Datum: 15-11-2015 18:50 | Bron: Süddeutsche.deAs more men enter the sauna, people begin to speak, but in a specific way. Talk of politics, status or work have no place here. Conversations center on things anyone can relate to. Small wonder whole families and office colleagues sauna together ...
Datum: 13-11-2015 23:19 | Bron: New York Daily News