Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord sauna.
If you're coming to London-based post-punk four-piece Sauna Youth as a new listener, then the first thing to point out is that their name is something of a misnomer. Although definitely too young to remember first-hand the DC hardcore scene that ...
Datum: 18-06-2015 18:40 | Bron: The QuietusMaak 10x kans op een dagje sauna voor twee t.w.v. €55! Redactie PlusOnline | Gepubliceerd: 17-06-2015. Bent u toe aan een ontspannen dagje in een rustige sauna? Doe dan mee met de prijsvraag en maak 10x kans op een dagentree voor twee personen ...
Datum: 18-06-2015 09:33 | Bron: PlusonlineEr besuchte regelmäßig die Sauna im Cosimabad (Bogenhausen). Was ihm da am 4. August 2011 passierte: kaum zu glauben! Nach einem Aufguss stürzte er so schwer, dass er sich das Steißbein brach. „Von der höchsten Stufe wollte ich die Sauna ...
Datum: 17-06-2015 18:57 | Bron: Merkur.de50 Cent has treated his fans and followers to some semi-naked snaps of himself relaxing in his home sauna on Instagram. The 39-year-old showed off his impressive physique and muscular biceps as he posed in nothing but a white towel.
Datum: 17-06-2015 16:59 | Bron: Digital SpyFreistehende Badewanne, ein Garten-Pool oder die Sauna im Keller: Immer mehr Menschen wollen Wellness zu Hause genießen. Allerdings gibt es Regeln für Eigentümer und Mieter. Was deutsche Gerichte beim Ein- und Umbau erlauben – und was nicht.
Datum: 17-06-2015 12:07 | Bron: Kölnische RundschauBursting with tight, frantic, post-punk fire and jittery, art school outsiderness, Sauna Youth can't help but generate the feel of a long lost John Peel Session from the early eighties. Angular guitars rage and spasm at every turn, shouty rants punch ...
Datum: 17-06-2015 02:19 | Bron: The 405Twente Invest, investeerder in vastgoed, heeft het pand gekocht en verhuurt het aan Sportcentrum Windmolen, dat na de zomer verhuist naar de oude dansschool. Er komt een sportschool met diverse andere activiteiten, waaronder een fysiotherapeut.
Datum: 16-06-2015 19:30 | Bron: TubantiaAs part of our Placeholder series, we're asking some of our favourite artists an incredibly simple question: 'what are you reading?'. A pretty great way to find out what you should be spending your money on if you ask us.
Datum: 16-06-2015 12:23 | Bron: The 405In der Sauna, im Urlaub oder beim Therapeuten: Auch wenn wir unsere Chefs und Kollegen mögen, in manchen Situationen möchte man ihnen vielleicht doch lieber nicht begegnen. Dabei passiert es häufig genug. Was also tun? Bloß nicht ignorieren, sagen ...
Datum: 15-06-2015 16:11 | Bron: Berliner ZeitungThe Sauna Sessions is a weekly feature here at Newsworthy. The idea is very simple: Conduct an interview with a person of interest in a very hot sauna. That person could be a politician or a musician; a comedian or a writer. David Farrier will ask the ...
Datum: 15-06-2015 13:25 | Bron: 3News NZTällainenkin saunominen voi tuntua hyvältä, mutta sauna voi olla myös lempeä kuin syli. "Saunassa ihmisellä ei ole mitään mielihaluja. Hän on onnellinen hetkessä", sanoo Rimas Kavaliuaskas, liettualainen vihdontamestari. Hän vetää Suomen ensimmäistä ...
Datum: 14-06-2015 19:28 | Bron: Helsingin SanomatFinland's traditional bathing ritual has had its own special celebration day since the 1980s. Today, as in previous years, festivities began around the country with enthusiasts gathering to make declarations of "sauna-tranquility" – a ritual claimed to ...
Datum: 13-06-2015 16:30 | Bron: YLE NewsThe petition calls for Rosenblatt to remain the synagogue's top rabbi – despite more than three decades of allegations that he encouraged young men and boys as young as 12-years-old to sit completely naked with him in a sauna on a one-on-one basis for ...
Datum: 12-06-2015 18:13 | Bron: FailedMessiah.comThe prominent rabbi of a Bronx synagogue who has been the focus of attention for having taken boys and young men to the sauna naked is negotiating a buyout and expects to reach an agreement to step down “in the near future,” his lawyer said on Thursday ...
Datum: 11-06-2015 23:23 | Bron: New York TimesSteam, sweat, soak, repeat – it can be be hard to truly improve the Finnish sauna experience. But designers have been experimenting with the idea of a floating sauna. Instead of paying big bucks to relax in expensive spas (where mystical crystals may ...
Datum: 10-06-2015 21:26 | Bron: The Globe and MailMaandelijks bezoek ik wel een Sauna of een thermen complex in Nederland, Duitsland of Oostenrijk. Afgelopen weekend bezocht ik Thermen Bussloo in de gemeente Voorst tussen Apeldoorn en Deventer in. Ik bezocht de thermen Bussloo als een groupon ...
Datum: 10-06-2015 21:11 | Bron: Vakantie.paginablog.nl (Blog)The Riverdale Jewish Center reportedly is seeking to get rid of Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt, whose habit of inviting young males to join him for naked heart-to-heart talks in the sauna was the subject of a recent article in The New York Times. In a ...
Datum: 09-06-2015 23:09 | Bron: Jewish Daily ForwardNEW YORK (JTA) — At least 44 members of a New York synagogue are calling for the resignation of their rabbi, whose custom of inviting young men to meet with him naked in a sauna has brought extensive media attention. In an email petition sent Sunday, ...
Datum: 08-06-2015 22:21 | Bron: Jewish Telegraphic AgencyIn den blühenden von-Ehrenschen Gärten wird demnächst schon eine weitere Version der mobilen Wohneinheit in Szene gesetzt werden. Verkleidet mit Holz, lässt sich jene neun Quadratmeter große Datsche nämlich auch als Sauna nutzen – nicht bloß ...
Datum: 08-06-2015 12:55 | Bron: DIE WELTSince the release of their first LP 'Dreamlands' in 2012, Richard Phoenix, Jen Calleja, Lindsay Corstorphine and Christopher Murphy have become, as proclaimed by the group themselves, the “ultimate form” of Sauna Youth. Having developed a distaste with ...
Datum: 07-06-2015 12:22 | Bron: DIY MagazineA Rabbi accused of encouraging young men to undress and join him in the steam room has addressed the allegations in a letter to members of his synagogue. After an article published on May 29 in The New York Times, accused him of improper conduct ...
Datum: 05-06-2015 16:40 | Bron: Jewish ChronicleLUNTEREN - De vrouw die donderdag haar twee honden in een bloedhete auto had achtergelaten, was aan het genieten in de sauna. Dat meldt de politie. Het ging niet goed met de dieren, omdat auto in de volle zon stond. Voorbijgangers maakten zich ...
Datum: 05-06-2015 14:47 | Bron: OmroepgelderlandNext week sees Sauna Youth releasing their second album, 'Distractions'. Jagged, quick-witted and unrelenting, it's a fast-paced race through the Brighton-formed group's furtherest imaginations, and it's a massive step up. DIY's June issue gives the ...
Datum: 05-06-2015 13:55 | Bron: DIY MagazineOmdat de eigenaar niet direct te achterhalen was werd een van de ruiten ingeslagen en de honden bevrijd. Ze zijn aan een dierenarts overgedragen voor controle. De eigenaar van de honden, een inwoonster van Amsterdam, bleek in de sauna te vertoeven.
Datum: 05-06-2015 12:08 | Bron: 112 EdeRabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt asserted his innocence in his first public comment since the publication of a New York Times article about his habit of inviting young males to join him for naked heart-to-heart talks in the sauna.
Datum: 04-06-2015 23:43 | Bron: Jewish Daily Forward