Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord sauna.
Op de deur van de bakkerswinkel hangt een briefje: 'U kunt zich voorstellen met welke hitte onze bakkers deze warme dagen te maken krijgen, maar wat we zaterdag over ons heen gaan krijgen is onmenselijk en uitermate ongezond. Vandaar dat we ...
Datum: 03-07-2015 06:53 | Bron: Het NieuwsbladWird es in der Wohnung zu heiß, kann der Mieter in manchen Fällen die Miete mindern. Welche Temperaturen man ertragen muss, haben die Gerichte in vielen Urteilen festgelegt. Von Andrea Nasemann. Wenn im Winter die Heizung ausfällt, kann der Mieter ...
Datum: 02-07-2015 18:15 | Bron: Süddeutsche.deMoottorin päälle tehty sauna toimii isolla aggregaatilla, joten Hartikaisen mukaan saunominen onnistuu vaikka keskellä Mannerheimintietä. Matkailubussin löylyjä pääsevät kokeilemaan muutkin, sillä Hartikainen vuokraa bussia esimerkiksi polttareihin.
Datum: 02-07-2015 16:03 | Bron: IltalehtiVolgens Geert Gielen van Thermen & Beautycentrum Anholts is het heerlijk om in de warmste periode van het jaar te ontspannen in de sauna. Onze gasten verblijven in de zomermaanden vooral in onze tuin. 'Daar hebben we heerlijke rustplekken waar ...
Datum: 02-07-2015 09:33 | Bron: coevordenhuisaanhuis.nlEr kommt gerade aus der Sauna und ist, im Gegensatz zu Susanne Huber, gleich drinnengeblieben, unter der gläsernen Kuppel. Der Mann, der extra aus Trier angereist ist, lächelt schläfrig und erklärt, dass er die Frage nicht verstehe: Warum sollte er ...
Datum: 02-07-2015 08:48 | Bron: Nordbayern.deKölner Bäder Schwitzen in der Sauna wird ab September teurer. Erstellt 30.06.2015. Foto: Mathesch/Photocase.de. Die Sauna-Tarife in Köln steigen um rund 7,5 Prozent. Grund ist die höhere Mehrwertsteuer für Dampfbäder. Das könnte für die ...
Datum: 01-07-2015 16:55 | Bron: Kölner Stadt-AnzeigerThe paper reported that the rabbi would sit naked in the sauna with boys as young as 12, after engaging in games of squash or racquetball. Rosenblatt explained that the male fellowship in the shvitz, or steam baths, is a Jewish tradition, and a big ...
Datum: 01-07-2015 09:24 | Bron: The Jewish VoiceThere are many places you can do interviews – a hotel room, a park on a nice sunny day, or somewhere you can really increase the pressure and turn up the heat, like a sauna. The Sauna Sessions are a weekly event where David Farrier interviews someone ...
Datum: 29-06-2015 13:17 | Bron: 3News NZAn infrared sauna uses light to heat the body as opposed to a traditional sauna that uses heat to warm the air around you. It actually runs at a lower temperature that creeps up on you, and you end up sweating up a tropical storm. Here are some of the ...
Datum: 28-06-2015 14:27 | Bron: QueertySeth-withlogo Several years ago, as I reluctantly faced the onslaught of shirtless summer activities, I regretted my weeks of binging on pizza and chips. I hammered out cardio to drop pounds and tried to shed all that water weight in the sauna. The ...
Datum: 28-06-2015 14:02 | Bron: QueertyHamazen, situé rue du Commandant-Prat, à deux pas du centre-ville, est d'abord un espace détente de 200 m² où se mélangent jacuzzi, sauna, hammam, douche à jet et bar. Un lieu de bien-être en libre-service ouvert à tous en journée… mais réservé à une ...
Datum: 27-06-2015 04:12 | Bron: ladepeche.frPortable sauna. Who would want a portable sauna you might ask? Anyone who has ever endured a camping trip in the British countryside, I would suggest, after trying the Firzone portable sauna. At first – and perhaps every way you look at it - it appears ...
Datum: 26-06-2015 20:03 | Bron: Telegraph.co.ukA New York Orthodox rabbi announced last night that he's refusing to leave his post—despite his synagogue board's requests to the contrary in response to the revelation of his habit of taking naked sauna dips with young male congregants in the 1980s ...
Datum: 25-06-2015 17:50 | Bron: GawkerPolice were called to the branch of the sauna in Waterloo on Saturday morning, to reports of a death. One man, whose age has not been confirmed was pronounced dead at the scene. The death is not being treated as suspicious. A spokesperson for the ...
Datum: 25-06-2015 15:21 | Bron: PinkNewsNew York: A prominent Modern Orthodox rabbi who has been criticized for taking boys as young as 12 naked to the sauna defied the board of his synagogue and told supportive congregants Wednesday night that he would remain as their spiritual leader.
Datum: 25-06-2015 09:59 | Bron: NDTVDe zomer moet nog losbarsten, maar bij Wilma van de Gaag in huis is het altijd tropisch warm. Al drie jaar kan zij de temperatuur in haar appartement niet zelf regelen. ,,Als de zon schijnt, verandert mijn huis in een sauna.'' Ik zou de directeur graag ...
Datum: 25-06-2015 07:05 | Bron: AD.nlAnd a 37-year-old man died in hospital after collapsing at the nearby Pleasuredome gay sauna in Cornwall Road in March. Two other men died at the venue in 2012 in drugs-related incidents and a third died in hospital after collapsing at the sauna.
Datum: 24-06-2015 20:53 | Bron: Evening StandardStudents from the Oslo School of Architecture and Design have designed and built a seaside sauna made up of three wooden bands that stagger up over the rocky terrain (+ slideshow). The Bands sauna and terrace. Named The Bands, the structure ...
Datum: 24-06-2015 14:47 | Bron: DezeenBadr al-Enezi In this April 26, 2015, photo, former Islamic militant, 30-year-old Badr al-Enezi, stands in a courtyard at the Mohammed bin Nayef Center for Advice, Counseling and Care, as the rehab center is formally known, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. For ...
Datum: 24-06-2015 08:11 | Bron: WSLSTatiana Laurens et Xavier Delarue, unis pour fêter leur 9 ans de mariage le 23 juin 2015. Dans cette photo : Secret Story 8 : gagnant, finale, candidats. Tatiana Laurens et Xavier Delarue, unis pour fêter leur 9 ans de mariage le 23 juin 2015. Tatiana ...
Datum: 23-06-2015 20:31 | Bron: Pure PeopleLondon 'biggest and busiest' gay sauna could close to make room for a skyscraper, new proposals have revealed. If one of the biggest US hotel operators have its way, Chariots in Shoreditch could close in 2016 at the latest. Manhatten's largest hotel ...
Datum: 23-06-2015 16:12 | Bron: Gay Star NewsMount Eerie - Sauna (PW Elverum & Sun, ltd). 'Een wispelturige, zowel hermetische als openbarstende viering van het alledaagse', klonk het oordeel over Sauna. Voor minder doet tuin- en huisfilosoof, producer en songschrijver Phil Elverum het niet ...
Datum: 23-06-2015 10:11 | Bron: Focus.beGrundsätzlich ist alles möglich: Von einem reinen Verzicht auf die Sauna über eine Verkleinerung von Solebecken und Solelounge bis hin zum reinen Bad der Grundversorgung ohne Sole, Sauna und Gastronomie. Fest steht: Es wird Abstriche geben.
Datum: 22-06-2015 18:41 | Bron: Ruhr NachrichtenToday I asked Colin Craig about what his thoughts were on the whole sauna sessions controversy – was it really the sauna that led to his ousting as leader of the Conservative Party? Because that was harmless, surely. What was wrong with two men in a ...
Datum: 22-06-2015 14:05 | Bron: 3News NZThe Sauna Sessions is a weekly feature here at Newsworthy. The idea is very simple: Conduct an interview with a person of interest in a very hot sauna. That person could be a politician or a musician; a comedian or a writer. David Farrier will ask the ...
Datum: 22-06-2015 13:49 | Bron: 3News NZ