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Sauna nieuws (331)

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EINDHOVEN - Sauna Tibet in Eindhoven heeft donderdag noodgedwongen de deuren moeten sluiten. De homosauna is op last van de gemeente Eindhoven voor een onbepaalde tijd gesloten. Dat laat een woordvoerder van de gemeente vrijdag weten aan ...

Datum: | Bron: Omroep Brabant

While most people would probably find the sauna hot and sweaty enough without any extra activity, the city's Parkbad fitness centre has received so many complaints about customers getting a touch too intimate with each other it has decided to take ...

Datum: | Bron: Telegraph.co.uk

18.30 Uhr, Stosszeit im Lausanner Fitness, rund 180 Personen stemmen Gewichte oder trainieren an den Herz-Kreislauf-Geräten. Der Rentner weicht dem Ansturm aus und geht direkt in die Sauna. Dort kommt es zum tödlichen Drama: Herzstillstand und ...

Datum: | Bron: BLICK.CH

HELSINKI — Matias Myllyrinne is a good sport. When I suggested we do our interview in a sauna, the chief executive of Finland's Remedy Entertainment didn't mind. And he said, “Let's do it” when I said the sauna would be 300 feet above the ground, with ...

Datum: | Bron: VentureBeat

Canada, la sauna è una grotta di legno che si affaccia sul lago Esperienza sensuale, spazio scolpito e sofisticato esercizio di scienza delle costruzioni. Così gli architetti di Partisans che l'hanno progettata definiscono la Grotto Sauna (Grotta Sauna ...

Datum: | Bron: La Repubblica

Grotto is een sauna die in een werkplaats is gemaakt en daarna verplaatst is naar een spectaculaire plaats: op een privé-eiland even ten noorden van Toronto. Het is moeilijk te zeggen wat mooier is: het interieur van de sauna of het geweldige uitzicht ...

Datum: | Bron: Mixed Grill

A FORMER cabinet minister was photographed with a naked boy in a sauna, an MP has claimed today. By: Dion DassanayakeDion Dassanayake. Published: Thu, November 27, 2014. Westminster, London PA. An ex-cabinet minister was allegedly pictured ...

Datum: | Bron: Express.co.uk

The UNESCO intangible cultural heritage committee decided in it session in Paris to include the smoke sauna customs of the South East Estonian Võrumaa region in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, ...

Datum: | Bron: The Baltic Course

perched on a private island, north of the canadian city of toronto, this sculpted sauna was constructed using three-dimensional technology to scan, model and build the scheme. designed by local studio partisans, the realized project was the result of ...

Datum: | Bron: Designboom

Conventional sauna design has been using angular shapes for a long time, and that's something a bit at odds with lounging comfortably in the heat. What if that warm wood interior could be curvaceous, soft to the touch, and even the eyes? The people at ...

Datum: | Bron: Visual News

The 2014 Ontario Wood WORKS! awards celebrate the best in wood construction in the province, and there are quite a few interesting projects this year. However one just totally pops out as being extraordinary, a little thing, a sauna built on a private ...

Datum: | Bron: Treehugger

In our ongoing quest to commit fearless acts of premium-cable-watching, we are recapping Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom. In this, our discourse about Episode 3, we talk about bad haircuts, cheap hotels, searching and seizing and a sex magazine.

Datum: | Bron: The Intercept - First Look Media

To complement a prefab midcentury cabin on this private island, part of a group aptly named Sans Souci (literally 'no worries' in French), Josephsons and his partner Pooya Baktash were enlisted to design this 75 sq m sauna at the water's edge. Called ...

Datum: | Bron: wallpaper.com

Dat meldt de GGD Hollands Noorden aan RTL Nieuws. Nadat bekend werd dat het 69-jarige slachtoffer de ziekte in de sauna had opgelopen werd daar streng gecontroleerd. De incubatietijd van de ziekte is nu verstreken, zonder dat er nieuwe besmettingen ...

Datum: | Bron: RTL Nieuws

Ik schrijf ook dat ik weet dat er niet veel vrouwen zijn die zomaar even naar de sauna gaan met één of zonder borst,” geeft De Buyser haar beweegredenen aan. ,,Graag wil ik die vrouwen hierin ondersteunen en samen met hen - met een groepje - naar de ...

Datum: | Bron: dé Weekkrant

Alle diese Nachteile haben Rossa und Deising mit ihrer Bienensauna nun überwunden, sagen sie: Wenn es nämlich umständlich ist, die Bienen in die Sauna zu bringen, so die Überlegung, dann muss eben die Sauna zu den Bienen kommen. Zu diesem ...

Datum: | Bron: Süddeutsche.de

Un sauna sur roues qui se déplace à domicile ou dans une entreprise, c'est le principe de « Rolling Sauna » créé tout récemment par Pauline Delorme. 9 réactions. Envoyer à; Imprimer. Le Rolling Sauna de Pauline Delorme s'apprête à sillonner les rues de ...

Datum: | Bron: Sudinfo.be

Wavre: 'Le Rolling Sauna' ou le sauna qui… vient à vous! Davide Cacciatore. Un sauna sur roues qui se déplace à domicile ou dans une entreprise, c'est le principe de « Rolling Sauna » créé tout récemment par Pauline Delorme. 9 réactions ...

Datum: | Bron: La Capitale

Der Herr aus Kassel kennt sich aus in der Welt des tropfenden Schweißes: Seit 15 Minuten sitzt er breitbeinig auf der obersten Stufe der Hotel-Sauna im Südtiroler Ferienort Gröden. Natürlich nackt. Jetzt betritt ein italienisches Pärchen die Schwitzstube.

Datum: | Bron: FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Sauna is het Finse woord voor baden. Bij een lage luchtvochtigheid (3-20% relatieve vochtigheid) en een hoge temperatuur (70-100°) kunnen we ontspannen, de afweer verhogen tegen infecties, hart- en bloedsomloop trainen, stofwisseling activeren en ...

Datum: | Bron: Dichtbij.nl

Lincoln City's Conference game at Eastleigh was postponed following a fire at the Imps' hotel. An explosion in the sauna at the Hilton Southampton meant the players could not collect their boots and shinpads. The game was originally delayed by an hour ...

Datum: | Bron: BBC News

Lincoln City's match with Eastleigh was postponed after a sauna explosion caused a fire in the hotel sauna, damaging team kits. The bizarre episode forced Lincoln to post a message on their Twitter account: "Can only apologise to fans who have ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo Eurosport UK (blog)

Scores of people - including a professional football team - had to be evacuated after a fire and explosion ripped through a hotel. Around 55 firefighters battled the blaze which is believed to have started in a sauna in the basement of the building ...

Datum: | Bron: Mirror.co.uk

Phil Elverum aka Mount Eerie has confirmed details of his new album 'Sauna', revealing that it will be a double LP release. Out 2rd February 2015 via his own label P.W. Elverum & Sun, the record arrives after 2013's 'Pre-Human Ideas' collection ...

Datum: | Bron: DIY Magazine

Any business worth its credit rating has its own company sauna. Even Parliament House has its own sauna chambers, as does the Finnair lounge in the Helsinki airport., the Pyhasalmi zinc and copper mine (it's 4600 feet underground, making it the deepest ...

Datum: | Bron: Huffington Post
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