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Sauna nieuws (332)

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'We stelden vast dat de sauna vaak over-bezet was en breiden deze dus nu uit. Na de werken moet er plaats zijn voor ruim 25 mensen.' Mogelijk lopen de werkzaamheden wat uit, en tot zo lang zal het zwembad een 'werftarief' aanrekenen aan haar klanten.

Datum: | Bron: Het Nieuwsblad

SAUNAS.COM, owned by United Commerce Group, Inc., offers a complete home sauna experience providing portable saunas, far infrared saunas and steam rooms. These are provided in DIY kits, but if you need help with installation – they can help you set ...

Datum: | Bron: DigitalJournal.com

Rund 30 Frauen und Männer kühlen sich an diesem Sommernachmittag vor der "Kotiharju Sauna" ab. Sie nippen an Dosenbier oder Wasser und plaudern. Ein paar hocken schweigend auf einer steinernen Bank, schauen gedankenverloren auf die Straße.

Datum: | Bron: Spiegel Online

Pirjo Hassinen sijoittaa tapahtumat 2000-luvun taitteeseen, 1960-luvun loppuun ja osin näiden väliin. Ehkä on niin, että jos kerrottaisiin nykypäivästä, sähköviestimien tulva häiritsisi tematiikkaa. Sauna Paradis kun on suorien kohtaamisten väkevä kirja.

Datum: | Bron: Keskisuomalainen

South Wales Argus: Sauna fire at Monmouthshire farm Sauna fire at Monmouthshire farm. FIREFIGHTERS spent two hours tackling a blaze at an outbuilding housing a sauna at a Monmouthshire farm. Four fire engines were deployed to fight the fire, at Middle ...

Datum: | Bron: South Wales Argus

Firefighters arrived to find the double garage and sauna, a separate building to the main house, well-alight. He said the householders spotted smoke and called the fire brigade. The flames got within a few metres of the main house, but firefighters ...

Datum: | Bron: Bournemouth Echo

La sauna è composta da un vano chiuso, con all'interno l'apparecchiatura dedicata che serve a riscaldare e deumidificare l'aria. Si può installare in bagno oppure in un altro ambiente della casa, tanto serve poco più di un metro quadrato. È ...

Datum: | Bron: Cose di Casa

Flingern. Die Umbauarbeiten der Saunaanlage im Freizeitbad Düsselstrand dauern länger als gedacht. Die Wiedereröffnung soll nun Anfang Dezember erfolgen. Die Schließungszeit der Saunaanlage wird dazu genutzt, neben Umbauarbeiten den gesamten ...

Datum: | Bron: Derwesten.de

SAN DIEGO — An electrical problem sparked a fire in a Rancho Bernardo senior community center's sauna, causing no injuries but leaving around $350,000 in damage, fire officials said Friday. A maintenance worker for the Oaks North Community Center at ...

Datum: | Bron: fox5sandiego.com

«Munitsipaalsaunade programmi näeb ette lisaks olemasolevate avalike saunade kordategemisele aastaks 2015 ka mitme uue avaliku sauna rajamise,» ütles Võrk. «Avalikke saunu on Tallinnas üsna vähe järele jäänud. Raua saunahoone on omamoodi ...

Datum: | Bron: Postimees

Firefighters at the scene of a sauna fire at a senior community center in Rancho Bernardo. Thursday, Aug. 14, 2014. (10News). Copyright 2014 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or ...

Datum: | Bron: 10News

„Munitsipaalsaunade programmi näeb ette lisaks olemasolevate avalike saunade kordategemisele aastaks 2015 ka mitme uue avaliku sauna rajamise,“ ütles Võrk. "Avalikke saunu on Tallinna üsna vähe järele jäänud. Raua saunahoone on omamoodi ...

Datum: | Bron: Delfi

Die Bora-Sauna ist eine Erfolgsgeschichte, wohl nicht zuletzt wegen vieler Gäste aus der Schweiz. Dank guter Auslastung zu praktisch jeder Jahreszeit konnte stets neu investiert, das Angebot laufend erneuert und ausgebaut werden – bis hin zu einem ...

Datum: | Bron: Neue Zürcher Zeitung

14-08-2014 | In Libanon zijn afgelopen weekend 27 mannen gearresteerd op verdenking van homoseksualiteit. De politie deed de inval bij een sauna en voerde de eigenaar, enkele medewerkers en alle aanwezige klanten af. Volgens een woordvoerder van ...

Datum: | Bron: Gaysite.nl

Melanie Rathje stellt dort zehn Minuten lang inklusive Homestory ihr Unternehmen „Sauna-Spass“ vor. Gebaut werden die immer beliebter werdenden Sauna-Fässer aus Nordischer Fichte auf dem Gewerbehof Noorwik in Eckernförde fast komplett in ...

Datum: | Bron: shz.de

But what it is, what that 1985 Thomas Built Buses Saf-T-Liner houses, is rolling heat, sweat on wheels, a mobile sauna that parks and packs a party wherever you want. “It's a hospitality suite on wheels,” said Andrea Curtis of Transformation Projects ...

Datum: | Bron: The Province

“That is why we have been in the sauna – with our racing overalls on – on numerous occasions in recent weeks. That is what the conditions will be like in the cockpit of our Fabia Super 2000 when we are pushing ourselves to the limit on the rally. This ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo Eurosport UK

“That is why we have been in the sauna – with our racing overalls on – on numerous occasions in recent weeks. That is what the conditions will be like in the cockpit of our Fabia Super 2000 when we are pushing ourselves to the limit on the rally. This ...

Datum: | Bron: Eurosport.com AU

The 320-square-foot wood-fueled sauna sustained $17,000 worth of damage in the fire, reported at 11:17 p.m. Monday at 12505 N.E. 39th St., according to Vancouver Fire Marshal Heidi Scarpelli. The fire appears accidental and spread after the radiant ...

Datum: | Bron: The Columbian

Transformation Projects produces a lot of festivals, street parties, concerts, parades, tastings — you name it — and Curtis and Sinclair decided they'd like to have a sauna bus to bring on-site for events, and to rent out at other times. “We put ...

Datum: | Bron: The Province

But what it is, what that 1985 Thomas Built Buses Saf-T-Liner houses, is rolling heat, sweat on wheels, a mobile sauna that parks and packs a party wherever you want. “It's a hospitality suite on wheels,” said Adrian Curtis of Transformation Projects ...

Datum: | Bron: The Province

The future of Aberdare's sauna and jacuzzi facilities will be discussed in a meeting between leading council figures and local campaigners this Friday. The Oasis Health Suite above Aberdare Swimming Pool – which comprised a sauna, jacuzzi and steam ...

Datum: | Bron: WalesOnline

Ahlen (det) - Gräben, Rohre, Schläuche und Stromleitungen: Noch recht chaotisch sieht es im vorderen Bereich der Parkbad-Saunaanlage in Ahlen aus. Doch Thomas Schliewe, Leiter der Bädergesellschaft Ahlen, ist optimistisch: „In zwei Wochen ist der ...

Datum: | Bron: Die Glocke online

Aquapilates, zwemmen en sauna! Vanaf vrijdag 5 september start De Lansingh van 09.00 - 09.45 uur met Aquapilates, zwemmen en gratis saunabezoek aansluitend aan de aquasportles. Aquapilates is afgeleid van het klassieke pilates op het droge.

Datum: | Bron: Nieuwsbank (persbericht) (abonnement)

Asia-Pacific championship leader Jan Kopecky has taken to wearing his overalls in the sauna as he prepares to contest the Malaysian Rally this week, an event his Skoda Motorsport team-mate Esapekka Lappi famously described as being like “hell” ahead of ...

Datum: | Bron: maxrally
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